Saturday, January 18, 2014

Inspirational Quips on Overcoming Personal Pain and Having Faith

Don't stay in your past hurt & pain. You have to move on. If you constantly revisit the past pain your focus will be less on moving ahead. ~

There are a lot of excellent definitions of faith. For me faith is believing in God's love for us even when our trust may seem misplaced. ~

Sometimes what we think is a failure on God's part is really a BLESSing in Disguise. ~

But sometimes we think our faith is misplaced in God but God knows better about our circumstances than we do. ~

People ask: Why are you faithful to God? I guess the true answer is God actually has been faithful to me. ~

The best fight is one you can avoid in order to continue to train to win the ones that are unavoidable. ~

Never trust a man with no facial hair. It isn't in God's design. Go with a man that flows with God's plan. LOL! ~

Winners are by nature competitors. Many will not shrink from a fight physically, emotionally, or mentally. But don't forget that what God gives you no one can take away.

 (c) copyright 2008 - 2014 Kamau's Qu!ps v5

Friday, January 17, 2014

Failure is a Speed Bump to Success & Other Early January 2014 Qu!ps

Failure is good if you learn from it. Failure is a speed bump on the way to success. ~

Think about the fact that you will be old & in need of care-taking one day before you engage in beating your offspring into a bloody pulp as a form of discipline. ~

One of the greatest challenges in life isn't when we suffer but actually when we see loved ones suffering or abused. These are times we pray to be righteous tools of God's Justice. ~

Depression, inner despair, demonic voices may be telling you all is lost. When you are at the end of your rope. Let Go & Let God. Deliverance is just a prayer away. ~

The government may be against you, powerful foes may be planning to destroy you on every side. But if God is for you NO force can hold you down. ~

Extend Yourself to Help Others & with YOUR Outreach you'll Dig Deeper into Your Divine Inner Nature. ~

Some of us Survived great Adversity in 2013. But now we're wiser and stronger with God's Grace. We're ready SOAR this Year.

Despair is useless in a Battle a Warrior must do or die. (c) copyright 2008 - 2014 Kamau's Qu!ps v5

Kamau's New Years Qu!ps

1. You’ve made it through another year. Rise, Shine, & give God the Glory!

2. The Holidays & New Year break can be a time of renewal. Strengthen yourself for a new sinuous sojourn.

3. We will emerge more determined, we will not accept defeat, we will step into the New Year with a sense of urgency!

4. In 2013 we lost celebrities and luminaries, we’ve lost liberating statesmen, gone are loved ones but still we forge ahead you are the game changer you seek.

5. As we approach new year let’s put away the distracting and counterproductive activities to optimize our time.

Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps

Kwanzaa isn't a replacement for Christmas or any other Holiday. It focuses on 7 Principals. The 1st is Umoja or Unity. The biggest hinderance to progress for our people isn't lack of uniformity but lack of unity. ©Kamau’s Kwanzaa Qu!ps

The reason our community suffers isn't primarily because of any various ill informed religious or ideological perspectives IMHO. The reason we struggle is because we don't look beyond our differences and unify with a Kwanzaa inspired concept of Umoja. ©Kamau’s Kwanzaa Qu!ps

Tribalism or using our differences to turn each other against others in our community is how slavery, Jim Crow, and Racism are maintained i.e. Willie Lynch. The Kwanzaa Concept of Ujoma or Unity is a step in the right direction.©Kamau’s Kwanzaa Qu!ps

Unity or Umoja is hard to obtain but necessary to move forward in increasing strength. Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps

Kujichagulia is the Kwanzaa concept of self determination. This means we seek to "To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves." Source Kawaida ©Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps


The wealthiest Blacks from Fortune Magazine's richest people aren't Americans like Michael Jordan or Russell Simmons. The Richest Blacks in the world are in Africa. That's because they control their land and resources. They live more in the Spirit & reality of Kwanzaa's Kujichagulia or they have more self determination.©Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps


It is AMAZING what people can do when they live under the principals of self determination or Kujichagulia. Reportedly there are now 55 African Billionaires in the world. This is because they have more control of their resources in some countries. State side we need to channel our financial resources here also for more self determination. ©Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps


In this self centered & selfish society today's Kwanzaa Principal is very salient for community progress: Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems, and to solve them together. (Source Kawaida) ©Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps


Until you find your purpose in life you'll never obtain greatness or reach your full potential. That's why today's Kwanzaa principle is so important Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. (Source Kawaida) ©Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps

Kamau's Christmas Qu!ps

Kamau’s Christmas Qu!ps

1. Christmas is focused on the communion God wants to have with us; an indwelling that can renew our Souls. ©Kamau’s Christmas Qu!ps

2. Yes, there are other Trinities in earlier belief systems. But in Christianity God identifies with those of “low estate”. ©Kamau’s Christmas Qu!ps

3. In the Christmas story God decides to enter human history from the underbelly of power. For instance, God brings divine presence into humanity in a teenage pregnancy, God is an escapee of brutal child abuse, and also is a perceived threat to the powers that be. ©Kamau’s Christmas Qu!ps

4. In the Christmas story God has to hide with the beige and brown people of Northern Africa from brutal European Power. Yep I know they didn’t describe it that way in Sunday School. ©Kamau’s Christmas Qu!ps

5. Truth be told most African Americans and Caribbean people (I’m an admixture of these two ethnic groups) are a mixture of African, Native American, European, Asian, and East Indian DNA. God must like a mixed up people because God entered human history to a mixed up North African, Mesopotamian, or Semitic AKA mixed up people with color.

So if you’re a mixed up person you’re not a mutt LOL! You’ve actually got divine potential! ©Kamau’s Christmas Qu!ps

6. People ask me “why an intelligent guy like me with knowledge of history be a Christian?” Well an example is the Christmas story (not tradition) is for me - one of being divinely infused by God and Empowered in a way that death doesn’t have the last say on my life. ©Kamau’s Christmas Qu!ps

7. Christmas shows us God can use us for divine purpose no matter how downtrodden we may feel. If God can use a teenage pregnancy, be an escapee from child abuse, & be born in a smelly Live Stock Stable Divine Power can LIFT You UP! ©Kamau’s Christmas Qu!ps