Kwanzaa isn't a replacement for Christmas or any other Holiday. It focuses on 7 Principals. The 1st is Umoja or Unity. The biggest hinderance to progress for our people isn't lack of uniformity but lack of unity. ©Kamau’s Kwanzaa Qu!ps
The reason our community suffers isn't primarily because of any various ill informed religious or ideological perspectives IMHO. The reason we struggle is because we don't look beyond our differences and unify with a Kwanzaa inspired concept of Umoja. ©Kamau’s Kwanzaa Qu!ps
Tribalism or using our differences to turn each other against others in our community is how slavery, Jim Crow, and Racism are maintained i.e. Willie Lynch. The Kwanzaa Concept of Ujoma or Unity is a step in the right direction.©Kamau’s Kwanzaa Qu!ps
Unity or Umoja is hard to obtain but necessary to move forward in increasing strength. Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps
Kujichagulia is the Kwanzaa concept of self determination. This means we seek to "To define ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves, and speak for ourselves." Source Kawaida ©Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps
The wealthiest Blacks from Fortune Magazine's richest people aren't Americans like Michael Jordan or Russell Simmons. The Richest Blacks in the world are in Africa. That's because they control their land and resources. They live more in the Spirit & reality of Kwanzaa's Kujichagulia or they have more self determination.©Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps
It is AMAZING what people can do when they live under the principals of self determination or Kujichagulia. Reportedly there are now 55 African Billionaires in the world. This is because they have more control of their resources in some countries. State side we need to channel our financial resources here also for more self determination. ©Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps
In this self centered & selfish society today's Kwanzaa Principal is very salient for community progress: Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): To build and maintain our community together and make our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems, and to solve them together. (Source Kawaida) ©Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps
Until you find your purpose in life you'll never obtain greatness or reach your full potential. That's why today's Kwanzaa principle is so important Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. (Source Kawaida) ©Kamau's Kwanzaa Qu!ps