Friday, February 28, 2014

Pretty Young Thangs Now You Know!

A King of Comedy Steve Harvey
Y'all listening to Steve Harvey too much or - the wrong way Ladies! You young ladies keep hitting me up saying "Kamau we like you!" We're drawn to older men.

Young Sistas, - Steve said try an Older man, not an Ole A$$ Man like me. Since you ladies don't like to give your ages, I'll give you hints if you're too young for Kamau see below...

(1) If you got 20/20 vision you're too young for my Ole A$$.

(2) If you can remember everything you did 10 minutes ago with 100% accuracy you're too young for my Ole A$$.

(3) If you think "Down with Dope up with Hope" is a quote from Barack Obama You're too Young for my Ole A$$....

(4) If you can still do a full split or even a cart wheel - OH HELL NO -- you're too young for my Ole A$$!!!

(5) If gravity hasn't worked on you and you have a badunkadunk butt, hell if you even know what a badunkadunk butt is on 1st glance you're too Young for my Ole A$$.

If you can't laugh at my enlarged prostate jokes without going ugh... You're too young for my Ole A$$.

If you ya have more than one tatoo and call yo man boo. Guess what? You're too young for my Ole A$$!

Read it and weep young thangs. LMBO!!!

Have a nice weekend. Mahahahahaa! OK I'm just joking Pretty Yung Thangs You're OK.

(c) 2009 - 2014 Kamau's Comedic Qu!ps All Rights Reserved

Kamau Austin a Bad Bad Man!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

On Spike Lee and Whites doing the "Christopher Columbus" to Blacks in Brooklyn.

Filmmaker Spike Lee
Recently Spike Lee let out what is called "a rant" about gentrification in Brooklyn.  It seems he feels others moving into traditionally Black neighborhoods have a "Christopher Columbus" type attitude about people living in these trendy upscale neighborhoods.

You know what gets me about this whole gentrification thing in Brooklyn and Harlem? I recently saw the comments where some people were responding with sentiments about the traditionally black neighborhoods were run down and that whites made them more upscale than before.

As a person that lived in Brooklyn for like 12 years I know that's a bunch of crap. Black folks started buying the brownstones in Downtown Brooklyn and also uptown in Harlem when nobody 
else but Blacks wanted to live in those areas.

Once Blacks made those areas trendy and upscale then gentrification started. Others moved in to live in these areas after Blacks upgraded the area. It's happening in more central Brooklyn too in Bed Stuy.

Now Blacks are persona non grata. SMH.  Some blacks complain that we don't band together (especially our celebrities with money) and plan to buy up the real estate in our communities like you see other ethnic groups doing in Little Italy and China Town.

Rev. Calvin Butts Founder of ChairmanAbyssinian Development Corporation
Well while we haven't seen celebrities do it so much, we have seen Churches buy up properties and renovate them in Harlem. For instance Abyssinian Development Corporation, headed by the renowned Pastor of Abyssinian Baptist Church, Rev. Calvin Butts, built a lot of affordable housing, also purchasing commercial real estate in the area, and has built schools, homeless shelters, and collects about $20 million dollars a year in rent from commercial properties they purchased.  I understand Abyssinian Development Corporation, has over 500 million dollars in commercial and residential real estate investment (source Wikipedia).

In fact, if it wasn't for Abyssinian Baptist Church, and others like them, Harlem would probably be much more of an alien place for Blacks now.  It's been reported that Richard Parsons, former CEO of Time Warner, owns two restaurants in Harlem now - and a lot of Blacks still own property and businesses in the area.

I know Spike did own a lot of property in Downtown Brooklyn once, and so did a lot of other businesses people.  According to the media he is selling one of his brownstone town houses for about 30 million dollars.

I personally knew a brilliant entrepreneur and visionary in Brooklyn who made his money sponsoring trips to Africa.  He brought property in downtown Brooklyn for museums "The Simmons Art Collection" that has to be valued at 3 or 4 million dollars or more now (in just RE with art I'm sure valued at much more) with an invaluable art collection.

Nana Stan Simmons a Pioneer of
Cultural & Economic Development
in Brooklyn, NY
Nana Stan Simmons (seated as a chief in Africa) is an ancestor now, passing away in 2010, but he spent many hours with me telling me about the value of our proud heritage and investing and owning our traditional communities.  He is sorely missed.  He was an exceptional visionary in this regard. Nana Simmons sponsored more than 40 cultural tours to many parts of Africa, South America, and the South Pacific exposing Blacks to these parts of the world.

There may be more Blacks investing in the area than we know they just aren't going public with it.  Carol's Daughter was a little neighborhood business until Will Smith, Jada Pinkett, Jay-Z, Mary J Blige, and other celebrities invested in the local Brooklyn business and helped take it national on a larger scale.  They are reported to have raised 10 million dollars for the neighborhood business.
Ft. Greene Brooklyn Me & Spike's Ole Stomping Grounds

It may be Blacks are more open to other people moving into our neighborhoods. However, once other ethnic groups move into them, and we welcome them - or at least accept them, they then want to do the "Christopher Columbus", on us and act like they discovered and made the area upscale like we never existed.

I don't know how welcoming Little Italy or China Town residents would be about an insurgence of Black business owners in their area.  I could only imagine.  We've experienced discrimination and would probably be less inclined to want to practice community bias against others.
Kamau Austin Former Community Activist in Brooklyn
I don't mind a salad bowl mixture in an area that Blacks made upscale but please have some mutual respect.  Don't come into our traditional communities and then make us persona non grata.

Don't move into our area and then start calling the cops on every block party or community event we try to have.  This is what I think is annoying Spike Lee and others in Brooklyn.

New comers are coming in and creating enclave type communities.  Parts of Bed Stuy become "Stuyvesant Heights."  This is very annoying and no way to be a good neighbor.

Below is a video which looks at the issue from the advantages of gentrification which I think is worthwhile.  It makes the point gentrification finally offers blacks the tremendous wind fall profits and wealth long denied or eluding them as an ethnic group.

Therefore, many Blacks in historic neighborhoods could be finally getting tremendous wealth creation other ethnic groups have enjoyed for centuries. Talk about Karma.

Tell me what you think about Blacks and Gentrification please in the Comment Section after seeing the video below..


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Push Past Your Comfort Zone

Sometimes Your Comfort Zone isn't a Safe Place to be. ~

Push out of Your Comfort Zone or it may become uncomfortable. ~

Your Comfort Zone Can Even Become an Area of Pain. ~

Being Comfortable May Be Hindering You from Being Great. ~

Growing and Being Comfortable may not Always be Compatible but the two different states of being can become - a Synergy of Success! © 2014 Kamau's Qu!ps V5

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

My Love Poetry to My Future Boo

Love Indescribably

There are NO words to describe
No vocabulary that ensues

What your Love means to me so refined
with our daily devotion renewed

Duly now enthralled in ecstasy our strong rip tide
Share all our intimacy until we're strongly imbibed
drunk with eros like drinking aged wine

Our Amour fuels our desire beating in a base type vibe
Digging into the Deep Caverns of my soul
Like the will to survive

There are no Accolades I will find
wouldn't Dissipate like Day break Dew

Do justice to our perfect Love so Divine
flawless like the diamond too Brilliant to review

So let others let their Love die
like withered fruit on the vine
Or let ardor wan yet for contentious dispute

But We Forge forth enamored and let love Thrive
Like seeds cultivated in a garden constantly revived
committed to sharing, caring, and daring to survive

Yearning for those Throes Pained from our Delight
Passions Sparking so Strong to illuminate the Night

Join our Spirits springing forth beyond time
looking to the heavens for solace to peruse
Til God in infinite wisdom inseminating by design
To Flower our Alpha inside of you

So I'd fight any beast or demon alive
stand against any horrors within view

Journey to the ends of the earth to try
Just for the honor and chance to pursue
being in your arms and standing by your side

Love Indescribably by K. Austin (c) 2010.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

On Nikki Minaj and Her Lookin ASS Niggas Promotion Using a Classic Malcolm X Picture

I get the point Nicki Minaj was trying to make.  Actually and ironically I thought it was brave and another critique of a certain male element who feed off negativity, vulgarized commercialism, brutality, and victimization in the Black and inner city community.

So I get that she sees herself sought of like a female version of Malcolm X looking out her window to protect herself from predators.

However, I think it wasn't well executed so it actually corrupted the legacy of a very revered Black Icon and Martyr for Freedom.  Also I think she would have done better dressing like Malcolm with the gun and could have made the same point.

Some persons and contributions are just sacrosanct and you don't do things to taint their legacy.  We are seeing this with Dr. King's image too Photoshopped to sell gold chains and activities that are questionable.

The free flowing use of the N'Word and ambiguous poetic statements towards Black men with meager economic means really sent disturbing and mixed messages about her intent.  So she has a controversial and popular video that emits more heat than light. I think it was a missed opportunity and actually devalued what she was attempting to say.

I know Nikki wasn't addressing all Black men but she actually taps into a sentiment by a lot of people, Black and White, who feel Black men are just Triflin N*ggas.

In a way she is helping to perpetuate the same stereotypes that rationalize the killing of a young Black male like Jordan Davis or Trayvon Martin. Music and lyrics like this take on an inflammatory life of their own given the context of our times and images of urban young people.

Then while she's using the N'Word she evokes images of Malcolm X and for a lot of people it is a mixed message at best and twisted message for most.  I think we do have to stand up to this type of expression to profit off controversy at any cost so utilized by the corporate hip hop industry.

So I understand Nikki's message but I feel we have to stem the tide of this kind of disrespectful art.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Matters of the Heart, Mind, & Soul on Kamau's Qu!ps

In matters of the Heart don't let your EGO, from Loved Ones, Separate You or keep You Apart. ~

Don't Sleep on Consciousness: Your Mind Helps You Communicate Intelligently with the Divine. ~

Your Limitless Soul Connects You to Spiritual Insights yet UnTOLD or Profound mysteries to Unfold. ~

©Kamau’s Qu!ps V5 2009 - 2014 Kamau's Qu!ps All Rights Reserved

Strive for Peace, The Heart - Minds - Arms of Soul Mates & Be You Qu!ps

Although we have to sometimes Fight & Battle for Progress Strive for More Tranquil Blissful Peace. ~

To Be in the Hearts, Minds, and Arms of Our Soul Mate is like Nirvana on Earth ~

In All Things Be YOU because No One can uniquely offer value to the Universe the way you Do ~

©Kamau’s Qu!ps V5 2009 - 2014 Kamau's Qu!ps All Rights Reserved

Friday, February 7, 2014

On Fit Children, Multitasking, and Rebounding from Failure

Try to inspire your children with good fitness, health, and study habits while they are young. That way they will grow more easily into these disciplines. ©Kamau’s Qu!ps V5

Multitasking isn’t the most Efficient way to FOCUS on Growing Your Business but Sometimes it’s the ONLY Way to GROW your Business. ©Kamau’s Qu!ps V5

When you have a setback or failure rather than just sulk about it sometimes it’s best to try jumping back into the fray to make progress another day.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

We can Learn From Almost Anyone? However...

Today's 3 Kamau's Qu!ps

I feel I can learn from ALMOST anyone. However I give the most weight to people who have success and expertise in an area. ~

An excellent balance to body building, strength training, and martial arts is to add a good deal of flexibility training through yoga. ~

In differences of opinion always try to be respectful and empathize with the other person’s point of view before expressing your own. ~

©Kamau’s Qu!ps V5 by Kamau Austin All Rights Reserved 2009 - 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Being a Fool for God and Other Kamau's Qu!ps

You may think I’m a religious fool but I’m learning more and more to put my faith and confidence in God not People. ~

Don’t be devastated when people fail you or disappoint you.  Put your trust in God.  God never fails although you may not fully understand divine action. ~

Work on compensating for the loss of muscle tissue, flexibility, and bone density by working out on a regular basis and eating well.

©Kamau’s Qu!ps V5 by Kamau Austin, All Rights Reserved

Monday, February 3, 2014

This is why Being Single is a Tall Order!

This West Indian brutha told me I looked like Steve Harvey (he need to stop smoking the ghanja). But hey it Inspired me to share some hot dating tips and advice for you ladies.

Ladies I've got the answer for ALL yo dating woes. Yo ready to hear the answer? OK hear it goes. Stop trying to date TALL dudes Ladies! Just freakin stop it ALREADY! SMH
In fact ONLY date guys like 5'10" and shorter (like me) He,
He, He! I'll tell you why. You ready? Listen UP!

Tall dudes like 6'4", 6'6", can't appreciate your beauty. Oh nope they can't!!! Look at Steve Harvey like 6'4" - been married 3 times. Look at Dwayne Wade like 6'5" 1/2 and fool around on Gabby Union - see he couldn't appreciate her beauty - naw way!

D'Wade is looking at Gabby from too high up in stratospheric space! Think about it - Dwanye Wade looking at the top of Gabby's head all the time. I mean like Hell sis - just how sexy can that be?

You can't blame D'Wade for cheating. The air thinner up there he breathing. He got lite headed and wasn't thinking straight. LOL!

Plus, See you ladies need an average sized or short guy who is looking at you eye level and can appreciate your high cheek bones, full lips, beautiful smile, new hairstyle. A guy can't do that over 6 feet TALL in most cases. He too tall ladies. He looking at the top of your head 75% of the time!

A tall guy can't even walk down the street and hold your hand nicely because he's ducking low tree limbs and branches and stuff! How he gonna pay attention to your fineness trying not to be decapitated right?

Listen to me ladies. LOL! Stop picking the tallest possible guy available! D@mn - You're messing it up for future generations! The average solder during the Civil War I heard was 5' 6". But now...

...The average American Male is 5'11". At this rate in 200 years (because of you ladies skewed TALL man natural selection) the average male will be 7'0" tall.

Gezz Louise Ladies: just imagine your great, great, great, great, grand children far removed! They'll be having human giraffe sex! Ladies is that fair?

Mahahahahahahaha! Wahahahahaaa! © Kamau’s Comedic Qu!ps

3 of Kamau's Comedic Qu!ps

Single Ladies never trust a guy in a Mohawk Haircut. In fact, don’t even date guys with hair at ALL!  Go with the Bald headed bearded guys. They don’t have to style their hair and have MUCH more time to focus on you.  LOL! © Kamau’s Comedic Qu!ps

Guys since women tend to be much more verbal than men only date women smarter than you.  That way if you have to listen to a lot of convo you’ll get an insightful IQ boost for your trouble. Ha, Ha, Ha!  © Kamau’s Comedic Qu!ps

There used to be a time when Whites said we all look alike. But Blacks are getting that way too.  Dis Brutha told me “I looked like Steve Harvey.”  Yeah right. If I were 7 inches Taller, 7 figures richer, and 777 suits deeper in my closet THEN and ONLY THEN would I look like Steve Harvey. SMH © Kamau’s Comedic Qu!ps