Thursday, May 19, 2016

Is Bernie Sanders a Communist?

Is Bernie a Communist? I've studied various forms of more current Marxism. Just like you have various capitalist viewpoints (like some people feel the markets will bring about corrections others feel business industries need regulation) there are different forms of Marxism as well.
In Communism the Communist Party controls all the politics and economy so it is fundamentally anti-democratic.

In what Bernie calls himself "a democratic socialist" one party doesn't control everything or the economy. The economy can be mixed.

Bernie from what I read likes certain businesses and entrepreneurial endeavors. Also he is working within the dem party so he can't be a communist.

Communists would not usually join the democratic party. BTW Europe and countries all over the world have mixed economies. Even in the US we have ACA and social security which traditional capitalist would consider socialist programs.

So in a way you can say the US has been influenced by Marxism too and all of Europe. The post office is government owned and would be considered a socialist enterprise to most capitalists.

Many educated people know this and so Bernie calling himself a democratic socialist isn't as damaging to his political aspirations today as would be the case 30 or 40 years ago.  Bernie Sander's is not a communist and characterizing him in such a way is more about red baiting than being accurate.

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps
Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Why could Bernie Sanders be staying in the Democratic Primary Elections?

Is winning the election the only goal?

Many people are asking why is Bernie Sanders staying in the Democratic Party's primary races if Hillary looks to be the eventual nominee.  Hillary's supporters are getting anxious, impatient, and downright livid that Sanders is still in the race.

Bernie is being called a narcissist, ego driven maniac, and socialist subverter of the Democratic Party.  He is being characterized as a self centered personality who wants to bring the Democratic Party down and even a misogynist.

A good deal of the campaign by Bernie has been challenging the Democratic Party's Modus Operandi. Stopping dems from taking Super Pac money, the scaling down of the prison industrial complex, addressing police brutality, police de-militarization, etc. These are all things the dems were weak on.

Bernie's been swimming against the tide since day one against the dem establishment. I'm not even talking so much about the dems Super Delegate structure which BTW was absolutely started to marginalize grassroots movements. Even the Super Tuesdays primaries favor people who have a lot of money to campaign over broad areas and make it hard for grassroots candidates to compete. This wasn't done by happenstance.

I don't know Bernie and his advisor's total plan.  But it could be more than winning the nomination. For instance if he has a high total of delegates he can use his leverage to influence the party's platform. Ultimately this race is more than about who wins the nomination, Delegates, and Super Delegates it is about the issues the ticket will champion in the election.

I think the strategy for progressives should be to stop Trump and continue to build a progressive movement and perhaps 3rd party. We know that Bernie ran as independently as possible within the Democratic Party system using the Internet to get a large aggregate of small donations.

So with the Internet we have the virtual infrastructure to challenge the two party paradigm both inside and out. If we want to change things it begins with us.

Obviously having a political system where raising a billion dollars or a being a billionaire is the only way to be elected is a prescription for the corporate buyout of our government. Oligarchy is not an option in a purportedly democratic leaning republic.

I feel that Sanders is doing a service to the country bringing his issues front and center in American politics.  Although Hillary Clinton leads in the purported pledged delegate count of almost 300 and the popular vote by 3 million Sanders still has significant leverage and impact.

It has been reported that in the last election 60 million people voted.  Bernie has almost 10 million votes so far.  The Democratic Party cannot win without his supporters.  They should keep that in mind and act accordingly.

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

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