Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Should Poverty Be an Excuse to be overweight?

I don't think poverty should be an excuse to be over weight. Here are some of my suggestions below...

You can get two big packages of farmers market veggies for $5. I buy low fat Chicken Tenders and breasts for $4 to $5. I broil and never fry. You can get whole wheat and veggie pasta for $2 a box and it will make a lot of pasta.

Oatmeal, plantains, and Sweet Potatos are good complex carbs and they spike up blood sugar less. I get generic oatmeal 2 for $4. Sweet Potatos I can get a whole bunch for $5. And I can get plantains for 4 for $3.

Eggs are not very expensive and I buy egg whites to make egg dishes with less fat. If a person cuts back on sugary cereals and buys oatmeal and puts bananas or Agave syrup in it they'd be amazed how much money they save.

Also if people would drink less sodas and juices that would save them a lot of money to buy higher grade proteins with less fat. People can buy good whole foods for less than the aggregate prices of all these fried, processed, and sugary foods.

Also you don't need a gym membership to get in shape. Pushups, situps, walking, stretching, and kick boxing/boxing/martial arts will get you into shape without a lot of money.

You can watch video on Youtube on working out techniques if you can't afford a personal trainer. Do ab workouts and cardio like jumping jacks. You don't need a lot of money to stay in shape if you really want to.

Also even if you don't have a computer to watch fitness videos you can go to the library and use the free computers in them. I actually launched two successful businesses at different times using free library computers. I hope some of my info helps someone.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Is being called African American or Black Played Out?

In a recent Interview with Oprah Winfrey on the O network Raven Symone, of the Cosby Show fame said "she isn't an African American."  Raven considers herself "just an American."

I hear a growing number of younger people like the super successful Pharrell Williams, today say this about their ethnicity in this purported "post-racial" world. In the 70s saying you were Black despite all the multi-ethnic backgrounds and hues we all come from was like a political and cultural stance of unity.

The younger generation to some extent have lost this sense of unity. I guess we can blame ourselves somewhat for not really making our African culture a central unifying theme like say Jewish people do.

However, a lot of younger people may change they're thoughts with the bias seen growing with the prison industrial complex and police militarization targeted to control people of color. This may make them want to unify with an ethnic identification again. Who knows?

Actor Raven Symone in the Heat of Controversy
Ms. Raven Symone is only 28 and 28 is young to me. Black consciousness was not very high in the 80s at all when she was born.  Hip hop during that time was becoming synonymous with black culture.  If she grew up in the 70s, when being black was a strong commitment to unity, perhaps she would think differently.

Being black really isn't today what it used to be to us "back in the day."  Being black to a lot of these younger adults is speaking or acting in an inner city or hip hop kinda way.  It's a different generation.

An increasing number of these 20 and 30 somethings just don't identify with being black.  They were raised in diverse schools. Therefore, if their parents never taught them about African culture and civilization (beyond just slavery) they just don't have a clue about the significance of identifying with being black.

My Daughter a cultural work in progress
Life is a journey and people probably go through various stages of development in reference to identity.  I'm a single black dad and my daughter has gone through stages of not wanting to be called black.

I don't think she likes being called black still even today. She prefers the term African American because her skin color is beige she often tells me.

She tells me, to my chagrin, she doesn't want to marry a Black man. She says "she wants to marry a white man." I have to remind her that I am a Black man who takes care of her daily. We all can't be that bad.

She says to me 'her dad and her uncles are black men she loves but "she wants to marry a white man."  I try to point out positive guys her age but too many are saggin thug wannabees. LOL!

I've been doing readings about the Civil Rights Movement with her and now I notice she is starting to identify more with being black and proud.  So it may be Raven's upbringing or some personal outlook she has which makes her want to distance herself from the terms Black or African American. However, at the core of being a black person is also wanting to be appreciated as fully human.  So in a way I can understand her sentiments.

Some Young People are still
Lovin Black Culture
Nevertheless, I do reminiscence and feel bad when I look at the current generation because when I was growing up we had just about eradicated the use of the N'word.  Not many Black persons were using it as much when I was a teenager.

Now some Black people, especially younger ones, use the word every 3 seconds.  I feel it was a part of a design in pop culture to split us apart as Black Americans. So I hope we can overcome it.

However, I feel people will always feel the need to describe each other and skin color is one of the most obvious ways to do this. Also people will want to converse about their various backgrounds and experiences.

I feel for many reasons the African American or Black experience is a rich one.  It reveals how a marginalized and brutalized group of people have been able to overcome adversity and create beauty.

While many may want to devalue or forget the Black experience, because it makes them feel uncomfortable or limited, I hope the importance of our experience isn't forgotten.  Using the terms Black or African American will not be played out as long as these distinctions have a role to play in our collective unity and empowerment.

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

Kamau's Qu!ps reaches over 30,000 web users a month through it's Blog and Social Media Promotions. For Advertising Opportunities visit our Advertising Page

Monday, October 13, 2014

Thanking God for Healing me from Cancer

Almost 9 years ago Doctor's told me I not only had one form of cancer but may have two forms of cancer at the same. Yep that's what they told me.

I remember thinking I'd probably die and never see my daughter grow up. I thought to myself how can I possibly fight off 2 forms of cancer at the same time? I went through a few years of horrific treatments but the cancer keep coming back.

Then I had a talk with God. In short, I told the Lord that I can't take the brutal treatments and lack of quality of life I was enduring. I knew my daughter needed me here but - I wanted to be healed or go home to God.

Well the next time I went to the Doctor he said that "there's no evidence of Cancer." I asked if that meant the cancer was in remission.

He said "no this beyond remission there's no evidence of cancer at all!"

Almost 9 years later I'm still here and working out and feeling pretty good.

Although life hasn't worked out the way I planned or all the way I would have liked but I thank God I'm still here. If I make it to next Christmas 2015 that will be 10 years a cancer survivor.

I'm going to party for the whole month if this happens - God willing. LOL!

I wanna thank the great doctors, nurses, my family, and all people who helped me along the way. But I am always mindful doctors can treat you but only: God can heal! Give God the glory for healing you everyday!

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

Kamau's Qu!ps reaches over 30,000 web users a month through it's Blog and Social Media Promotions. For Advertising Opportunities visit our Advertising Page

Monday, October 6, 2014

Do Oprah and Iyania Vanzant Hate Black Men?

Recently there was a spirited post debated on Facebook.  One of my most provocative Facebook friends posted:

"My husband says he believes Iyanla and Oprah hate black men, based on the presentation on their shows. I really couldn't argue with him."

This is my take on Oprah and  Iyanla Vanzant.  I may have a different opinion than most Black men.

I don't think Oprah and Iyanla Vanzant hate black men. I think they love black men. The problem is not enough positive black men are showed in the major media so when Oprah and Iyanla show negative things it feels like an anti-black male pile on.

Moreover, I think Oprah does show and support positive black men. Unfortunately the media likes sensational stories however for high ratings. I often wonder where do you even find some of these guys who want to show their dirty laundry in such a fashion?  Many Black men point to ugly portrayals of Black men by Oprah on her show.

I will admit early on in Oprah's career she was very Jerry Springer (RIP) or Maury like. Over the years, in my opinion, her show turned into a more positive and inspiring show.

When I had time to watch television I loved Oprah in the most recent years. I didn't think she hated Black men and she even distanced herself from the Maury & Jerry Springer type of shows.

Iyanla Vanzant, I have never really watched her show much. But the media really uses sensationalism to get ratings.  And of course her show to some degree is a reflection of that.  I mean what dude gets 34 children from over 17 women pregnant in the world today?

That's some media freak show hype for real.  As a man who tries to date occasionally today I can say most women these days aren't just giving up their bodies and souls to just anybody.  Not in my age group any way.

Most of the women I meet these days, when you date them want to a perform a freakin forensic audit on you to see how much money you have.  Many want to do a background check on you. If you are over 40 and have a teenager or young child they won't even go out with you. LOL!

If you have more than 2 children these women are looking at you like you got a disease or something.  So to me the implications of the show that we have a bunch of free wheeling men and rachet women having babies like crazy is a reality distortion.  In fact blacks and whites are having less and less babies in real life.

The whole show is so outlandish which is why people are riveted to it.  Finally
Oprah, I especially don't think hates black men.  Iyanla is trying to make a passionate point and get ratings at the same time.

By the way -  in interest of self disclosure let me just say I love me some Oprah. Don't talk bad about my Oprah. LOL!

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

Kamau's Qu!ps reaches over 30,000 web users a month through it's Blog and Social Media Promotions. For Advertising Opportunities visit our Advertising Page

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Kamau's Qu!ps for October 2014

Kamau's Qu!ps going 5 Years Strong!

2009 - 2014 Copyright © Kamau's Quips by Kamau Austin

On Proselytizing and Evangelism

Our major religions put a lot of emphasis on converting people to the point of it being brutal in history. Let's face it wars were fought to covert people.

For instance Muslims and Christians do this.

But why don't we let the light and love in our hearts speak volumes about our Spiritual connection?

We have to look at religious world history and seek to evolve. Let your compassionate actions speak for your faith more than dogma and indoctrination.

On Making Money on Facebook

You know it is ironic. The posts that actually make me money on Facebook people rarely respond with either likes or comments.  If they are truly ready to spend money they will inbox you more privately.

Taking Risks

In business & life you have to take informed & calculated risks or you will continue to be in the same rut. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

True Leadership

Leaders are not afraid to be alone. A leader isn't looking to be popular. A leader is concerned about doing what's right not what's popular.


Rising to the next level of success requires humbling yourself and seeking help from people more knowledgeable than yourself.

On Charity & Benevolence

Love and help our weakest and neediest neighbors because we have much to learn from them about ourselves.

True Friendship

True friends know when to embrace and on the other hand when it's time to give you some space.

Ironic Law of Survival

Sometimes to secure peace and safety good people have to be scarier than bad people. It's the ironic law of survival.

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

Kamau's Qu!ps reaches over 30,000 web users a month through it's Blog and Social Media Promotions. For Advertising Opportunities visit our Advertising Page