Monday, February 2, 2015

Why A Black Man Today Needs a Multilingual Rap

You know I was out of the dating pool in a serious relationship and marriage that almost spanned 20 years. Yep, I haven't always been single. And hell YES!...

...Someone was crazy enough to be in a relationship with me all that time - I guess I can't be all bad! I know what the hell you're thinking! Sheesh behave. LOL!

Anywho 20 something odd years ago dating was oh so much simpler.  I spit game to fine sista and if I was lucky I got a date or a smack. Of maybe both if I was a lucky Spanky that time.

But demographically a lot has changed in the Black dating game these days. The Black community is much more diverse.

There are a lot more beautiful afro-Latinas, Caribbean, South American, African and Haitian women who are looking to date. They tell me they're gonna teach me French, Spanish, African languages or Jamaican dialects etc.

Wow a brutha needs United Nations Multilingual capabilities to stay in the "Rap Game" these days. How would you say Spanky or better yet: "Spank Me" in Spanish or French my smart online friends? Ha, Ha, Ha!

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

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1 comment:

  1. Love it Mr K. You rock!
    This is the era where space is at our fingertips. Technology has propelled our generation hundred of years forward in a twinkle of an eye. Competition is so tense, therefore, in order to remain relevant we have to revamp our tactics even in the dating game. Free crash courses exist for many languages which become icing on the cake in the dating game. If you're serious about the translation of spank me simply ask, if not me, ask Ms. Google and let the fun begin, ...... As in love in any language. ...
    ah ah :-)
