Wednesday, February 18, 2015

What is a Strong Black Women?

Harriet Tubman lead Slaves to Freedom is
  exemplary of a Strong Black Woman
"Someone told me recently that when men use the term "strong black woman," it's not a compliment. It's more like a code for not feminine, not vulnerable, too independent, too bossy -- someone who'd rather go it alone that be involved in a relationship with a confident black man. Food for thought." Gwen Richardson

Let me set the record straight for some men we respect "strong Black women."  Different people depending on their vantage point or perspective on life have many images that come to mind when visualizing a strong Black woman.  Depending on the persons perspective being a "strong Black woman" can be a good thing or a bad thing...

...When I use the term strong black woman I use it with much respect.  Conversely, I think strength is also shown in humility many times.

On the other hand I do think some sistas think being strong is in being combative or argumentative and maybe insensitive. However, when I use the term I'm thinking of resourceful and resilient black women and there are of course many of them.

Thank God for them!  I don't know where we would be without them.

My Mom C. Bay Austin - a Strong Black Woman
A strong Black woman to me is like my mother who raised 8 children, bought property in both NYC and Florida. She ran a business and was very resourceful for her family until she died.

I also have sisters and aunts who work very hard
keeping their families intact and viable.  They are symbolic of so many positive Black women in our families.

I give homage to the countless Black women who raise their children and keep our families together. I have much respect for them. Women like these appear to me to be strong black women to admire and respect.  And If admiring my strong sisters is wrong I don't wanna be right!

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

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1 comment:

  1. Wow Mr K! This new entry is amazingly refreshing. You've nailed it on every front. Giving honor to Ms Tubman's incredible and indelible contributions to humanity and Ms Austin's ( your mom's) accomplishments with reverence and gratitude can and will never be wrong. Hope their lives inspire us all.
    Thank you.
