Saturday, February 21, 2015

In the Black - Accentuating the Positive

Dr. Ben Carson criticizes Blacks
from the Right
A lot of Black leaders and talking heads on both the left and right have a lot of criticism of Black people.  However, is being negative the best way to motivate people? Blacks have made tremendous strides as a group despite the obstacles we face. In my opinion we have to look at our glass as half full rather than half empty to continue to build on our success.

Yes, Blacks have way too many murders 7,000 a year out of 42 million people. Way too much. We have to get better. We have 905,000 people incarcerated way too much of course we have to do better.


But here are some positive developments in the Black community that we should find encouraging:

~ About 10 million Blacks are homeowners (45%)

~ 1.9 million Blacks own businesses

~ 14,000 Black companies have receipts over 1 million dollars a year 

~ Black businesses generate over 137.5 Billion dollars a year collectively

~ 4.5 million Blacks have college degrees or higher

~ 82.5% of Blacks over 18 have graduated high school

~ Black women are enrolling in grad school programs faster than any demographic

~ The CDC just came out with research stating Black men are more actively engaged with their children than any other ethnic group of men in the US

~ And believe or not there are actually more Blacks with computer science degrees than Asians.

Dr. Claude Anderson looks at Blacks from a Critical
Progressive Angle

So let's accentuate the positive and look for solutions. For instance we have 2.4 million Blacks out of work. Ironically Black business only comprise 1/2 of 1% of US business income.

Nevertheless, Black businesses employ presently 1 million people. If Black business could grow from .5% of business income to more like 3% we could do phenomenal things in our community. That's why we should seriously consider increasing their patronage for Black businesses from 7% presently to more likely 25% we could employ all the unemployed African Americans in the country.

So 1st we need a person to write a calculation app on our cell phones to keep a running tab on where we spend our money to insure more of us patronize Black businesses. I bet when other communities see us handling our business like this we'll get some freaking respect especially from our young people. People won't be so quick to shoot us as easy targets and say oh I thought he or she were a menacing thug.

Do we have the will, vision, and love to do it? Maybe not. But hell with the emotion.

Enlightened self interest should be the order of the day. Ultimately we'll be forced to do more to survive. We won't have any other choice if we truly understand the dynamics of future competitive global labor markets.

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

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