Sunday, August 28, 2016

Bernie or Busters and the Luxury of Social Privilege

The Bernie or buster crowd - should they be admired for their commitment to Bernie Sanders and the political goals he espoused?  Or is it time that they should be persuaded to join the rank and file of the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton to defeat Donald Trump and all he represents.

Moreover, should they vote for a 3rd party candidate like Jill Stein or Gary Johnson since the two party system obviously for many people has its limits and is showing diminishing returns?  To me the Bernie or Bust crowd have the luxury that many Americans don't have.

Largely white and privileged many of them are buffered by the benefits of higher class and younger age social status. They tend to be middle class and upper middle class whites.  A good deal of them are now looking to Jill Stein to be the heir apparent to Bernie's movement.

And even some higher social status or younger Blacks are also opting for Jill Stein.  Ms. Stein is becoming the standard bearer for them.  I feel they are making the wrong move historically and strategically.

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton working to stop Trump
In my opinion strategically we should not lose momentum by letting Trump and the Tea Party take the country over.  The conservatives, demographically speaking, have diminishing numbers. Otherwise President Obama could not have been elected twice.

However, if we are not a united front to stop them the Tea Party and GOP will take over the country.   They will look to gut healthcare and set us back historically.

A Trump Presidency will portend many poor people like single moms, children of color, elderly people will not have healthcare.  Some will die.  Let's not let that happen on our watch. The GOP intends to marginalize ACA and eventually end it.

Bernie or busters can survive a Trump Presidency to make a symbolic screw you Democrats point. They are young and my feel they don't need the healthcare and social programs that poor people, elderly persons, and people of color need. So they can afford to be aloof or reckless this election.
Jill Stein, Green Party Candidate

However, those of us who are concerned about the poor, elderly, and children who need the services of a progressive government know better. I hope we can talk some sense into these Bernie or bust people.

We still haven't recovered in this country from the conservative judges the GOP has put in place in the past. We can't afford to let them install 2 to 4 more judges to the Supreme Court.

Not to mention the GOP is largely in denial about global warming and pollution.  It would be nice for your children and great grand children to have a livable climate and decent air to breath wouldn't it? 

Donald Trump
Rather than us being pissed off and letting Trump win out of spite I'd prefer to support Clinton, let her do her thing helping women and children while we continue to work on making the government more responsive to the average American person not just billionaire elites.

That's my plan any way. Stop the Tea Party and Trump and continue to work on things Bernie and progressives feel are important rights. I know it will take time but I've seen great changes in my lifetime and I know we can impact progressive changes moving forward. "Forward Ever Backward Never!"

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Austin is a popular Blogger with over 11,000 connections in social media.  Austin is an author, writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online.If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Checkout Kamau's Qu!ps Era Phoenix Volume 1

On Love

Let your love flow like water.


Prepare for the difficult roads ahead it's worth it.

Your Past

Love yourself and don't hate the past that made you.

Police Irony

I do find it ironic that in the Black community drug dealers and gangs operate in the open and the whole community knows where they are and yet there is no heavy police presence at all...

...However if Black Lives Matter is protesting they have armored militarized police to squash dissent in profusion. Maybe we need those militarized police where the violence is. It seems we have a lack of focus and priorities. IJS (c) Kamau Qu!ps Era Phoenix

Imperfection in Our Political System

I voted for Bernie.  I liked Bernie.  But Bernie isn't a perfect candidate either.  Bernie has a past and things that are less than ideal too.

I won't elaborate because he isn't running anymore.  But Bernie has made some bad choices too.

That really is the work on American Democracy.  We have to work to improve on an imperfect system run by flawed people to uplift the lives of our collective citizens.

Why Be Consistent?

Consistency creates a beast.  Small successful improvements over time creates a monster within you.

The Positivity with Challenges

Past challenges, trials, and tumultuous times will help build your character.

Being Calm

It is hard sometimes but stay calm, steadfast, and proactive during the confusions in life.

(c) 2000 - 2016  Kamau's Qu!ps Era Phoenix, All Rights Reserved Kamau Austin

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps
Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

Monday, August 15, 2016

Blacks and the Business of Traveling to Africa

Ancestor Nana Stan Simmons RIP
I still see people who complain that Blacks don't support other Blacks in business.  This isn't true in my experience.  Blacks will support other blacks in business and even spend lots of money going to Africa and other things.

Let me tell you about an old friend of mine Stan Simmons. He had a lot of Afrocentric Conscious viable people support his businesses.

He built a multimillion dollar business taking vacation/touring groups to Africa, Bahia (Black parts of Brazil), and parts of Asia with large Black populations.

On the trip to West Africa I went on he had 100 people paying $2000 each in just one trip. He was traveling to Africa since 16. He'd come back from Africa with lots of art and purchased 2 brownstones in Brooklyn for $40,000 and $80,000 respectively.

Those Brownstones have to be worth at least 3 million dollars now. He passed away before 60 though.  But he became so popular in Ghana from his trips and museums that they gave him land and enstooled him as a king.

What was amazing about Ancestor Simmon's success is that it was mostly through word of month.  He has hesitant to use mass media.  He preferred to let word of month fill up his travel excursions and felt it was more like traveling with family that way.  And it worked.  Stan Simmons is a true African cultural business legend.

Stan Simmons proves that Blacks will support other Blacks in business with the right product or service and marketing.  Look at your marketing if you're not having success getting other blacks to support you in business.  Don't assume Blacks are psychologically deficient in some way to supporting you.  Examine your marketing approach.

RIP the great Stan Simmons.  Blessings on your spirit and memory.

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps
Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

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