Sunday, October 5, 2014

Kamau's Qu!ps for October 2014

Kamau's Qu!ps going 5 Years Strong!

2009 - 2014 Copyright © Kamau's Quips by Kamau Austin

On Proselytizing and Evangelism

Our major religions put a lot of emphasis on converting people to the point of it being brutal in history. Let's face it wars were fought to covert people.

For instance Muslims and Christians do this.

But why don't we let the light and love in our hearts speak volumes about our Spiritual connection?

We have to look at religious world history and seek to evolve. Let your compassionate actions speak for your faith more than dogma and indoctrination.

On Making Money on Facebook

You know it is ironic. The posts that actually make me money on Facebook people rarely respond with either likes or comments.  If they are truly ready to spend money they will inbox you more privately.

Taking Risks

In business & life you have to take informed & calculated risks or you will continue to be in the same rut. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

True Leadership

Leaders are not afraid to be alone. A leader isn't looking to be popular. A leader is concerned about doing what's right not what's popular.


Rising to the next level of success requires humbling yourself and seeking help from people more knowledgeable than yourself.

On Charity & Benevolence

Love and help our weakest and neediest neighbors because we have much to learn from them about ourselves.

True Friendship

True friends know when to embrace and on the other hand when it's time to give you some space.

Ironic Law of Survival

Sometimes to secure peace and safety good people have to be scarier than bad people. It's the ironic law of survival.

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

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