I know people want to give single mothers these cards and it's up to you to buy those cards. But I'm Just Asking (IJA) can we have just 1 day where responsible Fathers are recognized?
Honestly, A single mom is probably an extraordinary mom or even SUPER mom but: they are not Fathers! Can't we have one day in peace without a sideshow of condescending remarks tainting the day due to deadbeat dads?
It's freaking "Father's Day" for Pete's Sake not: Bash Deadbeat Dad's Day! SMH. And ironically Hallmark markets this to the Black community when the Center of Disease Control (CDC) just released a new study stating Black Fathers are more actively involved in their children's lives than men of other ethnic groups.
People have 364 days of the year to bash Dead Beat dads. Can we have our 1 freaking day in peace? My name is Kamau Austin and I approve this message! Read more on Hallmark's controversial card
Also I would never try to bash less than perfect mothers on Mother's Day. Why would I want to talk about sidebar issues on such an important days that needs to be recognized.
For instance women have started telling me Happy Mother's Day because my daughter lives with me. I tell them I appreciate the thought but my daughter has a mom. I can't replace her mom.
Recently I was asked by a Facebook Friend "First, would you have accepted the kudos if your daughter's mother was an absentee? Second, looks like black art to me. Could it be that it is merely marketed to black people because it is by "black people"?
"My response was All my daughter's care is on me and I receive little support or visitation from my daughter's mom right now. My daughter has big problems with her mom so all her care is on me.
That's why she is with me. There are a lot of ugly issues.
However, I try to encourage some forgiveness and healing so one day my daughter can have a relationship with her. No one can replace her mom so I hope and pray their relationship can be healed one day.
This is no reflection on you I can understand your position. You do the work so there's nothing wrong with your perspective.
However, I don't like Hallmark marketing a card to our community like that based on skewed stereotypes. If they are going to have a Father's Day card for single moms let it be a card for all ethnic groups.
But for me I'd never want to take away from my daughter's mom. None of us are perfect. I've been in a labor and have seen what women go through to have babies. I am humbled by their sacrifices."
Also if it is just marketed to the African American community bad idea IMO. Moreover, according to recent studies of the CDC Black fathers are more involved in their children's lives than men of other ethnic groups. So Hallmark shouldn't be marketing a card like that primarily to the Black Community if that is the case. Market it across the board if they feel compelled to market it.
About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps
Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan