Monday, September 22, 2014

Dating After 40 Yucky

You know you 20 and 30 somethings crack me up lamenting about your dating woes. Stop it, Hush up all ready! If you are having challenges dating when you're young...

I got news for you yung thangs. Guess what it gets worst. In fact go to a counselor, see a therapist, get married with a view to be soulmates forever - and do whatever it takes. Forget fooling around.

Because dating after 40 gets ugly. In fact dating after 40 is chilling, demoralizing, in short horrific! LOL! Get ALL yo ducks in a row now - You've been warned. LMBO! (c) Kamau's Qu!ps.

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

Kamau's Qu!ps reaches over 30,000 web users a month through it's Blog and Social Media Promotions. For Advertising Opportunities visit our Advertising Page

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fit for Relationships

Maybe I am crazy.  Is it just me?

I think everyone should work to keep the spice in the marriage. Men are visual. So a man may love his wife who gains 100 pounds but the sex in the marriage may go south.

Guys who like fit women have to find one who loves working out and long walks. He should find a woman who loves an active lifestyle which isn't easy. Also he should IMO be into fitness himself.

If a guy likes to eat donuts and fried foods eventually both he and his significant other are going to pack on the pounds. It's much easier to stay fit if you have a life partner who is into fitness. If you're really into fitness the worst type of woman to get is one who tells you "she hates fitness or working out."

She will only stay fit to get you or a man then she'll let herself go trust me. Also she'll usually try to get you to eat fattening foods and surgery stuff. I know from experience. Been there done that.

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

Kamau's Qu!ps reaches over 30,000 web users a month through it's Blog and Social Media Promotions. For Advertising Opportunities visit our Advertising Page

Friday, September 19, 2014

Kamau's Qu!ps September Insights, Rants, and Laughs

On Personal Development

Don't expect others to invest in you if you aren't willing to invest in yourself.


Laughter is therapeutic, Comedy may keep you sane, not taking yourself so seriously is the prescription for a happier life.

On Failure

Failure is Life's opportunity to show us it's time to change, invent, overcome or conquer. Without Failure there would be NO Forging Ahead.

On Children

Our children are our greatest contributions to civilization. They will advance our world, but only after they are inspired to do so.

On Personal Development

Never seek a mentor, guru, or sage until you are willing to listen and learn. You will only waste their and your valuable time


True Vision isn't blinded by certainty. It's Inspired by opportunity and Open to possibility.

Personal Development

Rising to your next level of success requires humbling yourself and seeking help from people more knowledgeable than yourself


When I was younger I used to argue with women and my girlfriends ad naseum. Now that I'm older I just listen to them intently figuring I might actually learn something for a change


When I was younger I had the no pain no gain attitude. Now that I'm older I have the no pain please no more freakin pain mentality.

LOL! Pain, Pain, go away and don't return another day. Ha, Ha, Ha! Oh thank God it could be worst.


When I was younger I was excited to join the dating sites and go to my email to see all the hot prospects to date. Now that I'm older I don't enjoy being on them anymore.

I only use the free ones once in a while and even then I'm like "what the hell do they want?" I hate getting an email from the dating sites now. LOL!

Geez things have changed that's for sure. LMBO!

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

Kamau's Qu!ps reaches over 30,000 web users a month through it's Blog and Social Media Promotions. For Advertising Opportunities visit Search Engine

Monday, September 8, 2014

Is Voting the Answer to Problems in Ferguson and the Black Community Overall?

I hear a lot of people complain about the conditions of Ferguson, Missouri, where police brutality is obviously in full effect towards its 60% of Black residents.  In Ferguson, it has been reported that there are only 3 Blacks on the police force.

The police force is obviously heavily militarized and has been provocative to say the least in their response even to peaceful protesters.  When some social advocates hear about the negative dynamics they make a point to state the all too common mantra the residents in Ferguson need to vote.

But voting isn't enough.  People in Ferguson and a lot of Black communities vote for politicians who talk a good game but don't deliver enough goods and services in those communities.

For example Obama was elected but he has said very little about Black issues and is hesitant to visit Ferguson.  He sent Eric Holder, but the militarized police presence is still brutal to the press and peaceful protesters.  Mayor Bill de Blasio was voted in as a Mayor in NYC sensitive to racial issues and against "Stop and Frisk."

However he has the same Police Chief, Stop and Frisk is still around, and his response to Eric Garner's death has been spotty at best.  This doesn't inspire an urge to vote.

People keep saying "a change we can believe in" but there is little change with these elected officials.  Understandably a lot of people are disillusioned with voting. Especially when they see they vote but elected officials legislate laws that is increasing the prison industrial complex incarcerating millions of people of color mostly for nonviolent offenses and see a militarization of police which are terrorizing their citizens.

We have all these black and Latino elected officials even PONTUS, but if you look at Ferguson it looks just like Bull Connor tactics all over again over 40 years later.

We have to get people to vote but let them know if you want to see a change we have to stay involved and elect people who are going to really make some positive changes in our communities especially locally. We have to vote but stay vigilant and involved with social change.

You know voting is a start. But it is obvious voting doesn't do much if we aren't vigilant with working in the community and holding our elected officials accountable to deliver the goods for us. Vote but also hold elected officials accountable and if they don't deliver - vote in someone else who will!

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

Kamau's Qu!ps reaches over 30,000 web users a month through it's Blog and Social Media Promotions. For Advertising Opportunities visit Search Engine