study your history and examine the symbolism of the flag. People under it fought to try to keep Blacks enslaved. They kicked the crap out of the north until about 100,000 black men joined the Union Army and helped turn the tide of the war.
Lincoln's executive order the Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery in much of the south except in the prison industry complex. What was done after that was the south kept many Blacks in slavery by incarcerating them in high numbers which is a practice done even today. Look at the high incarceration rates in the south of Blacks and you will see slavery still exists albeit in another form.
Now tell me you want the legislative bodies and legal institutions in the south with Confederate Flags on them - not good. You may know some very civil and nice people with Confederate Flags tattoos but you don't what those flags on the state legislative bodies or courts trust me. Not a good thing.