Saturday, November 28, 2020

Good Things Comes In Pints


OMG! I just ate a pint of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream before my dinner. I haven't ate a whole pint of ice cream in 23 years since someone explained to me you can work out all you want but if you eat a pint of ice cream everyday you're gonna be fat. Hahahahaha!

Increase Your Memory As You Mature

As you mature it is a good idea to practice memory exercises to compensate for the loss of short term memory. I try to remember people I met years ago, Facebook friends names, and phone numbers.

I don't use contacts speed dialing I try to remember all my contacts and even client numbers in my head. You'd be surprised how it will increase your memory.

I have friends who think I have an incredible memory. Little do they realize I do memory exercises. I have a client who is an expert on aging. He told me to do memory exercises. K@...