It seems to me to be convenient that people talk about Dr. King in hindsight away from the heat of his day. But reflect and maybe pray on this...
many people praise Dr. King, now that he is dead but back in the day
many Christians shunned him. Many mainstream churches considered him a
trouble maker and didn't support civil rights.
Christians called Dr. King a demagogue and trouble maker very similar
to Rev. Sharpton. They used almost the exact same type of media attacks
on him.
he died and they gave him a holiday now he is more accepted. However,
when he was alive and taking the "principalities and powers" to task
most mainstream Christians in the US distanced themselves from him.
This broke Dr. King's heart - that more Christian's didn't get involved
in the Civil Rights Movement.

have people being murdered based on skewed stereotypes and a new form
of slavery being created in the nation's prison industrial complex. It
is easy to just pray and go to service while the oppressed and
downtrodden are brutalized and incarcerated.
But the voiceless need a voice or we all will eventually be saying metaphorically "I can't breathe!"
Law and Order without Justice is unrighteous. "But let justice roll down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream."
Some people accuse Al Sharpton of causing racial divison like unruly protestors and rioters. But these factions are splinter groups of protestors and are more radical factions than Al Sharpton.
Sharpton would never advocate rioting, looting, violence or killing cops. He will stay in a nonviolent stance.
Actually more radical elements hate Al Sharpton and look at him as a pacifier in the community only looking for media attention. These rioters and protestors are totally separate groups.
As an activist in NYC I know there have been much more radical factions who try to stir up trouble and get peaceful protestors killed or in confrontations with the police. Remember these days it's obvious Sharpton want's to be perceived in the tradition of Martin Luther King, Jr., and even has a media position now.

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Some people accuse Al Sharpton of causing racial divison like unruly protestors and rioters. But these factions are splinter groups of protestors and are more radical factions than Al Sharpton.
Sharpton would never advocate rioting, looting, violence or killing cops. He will stay in a nonviolent stance.
Actually more radical elements hate Al Sharpton and look at him as a pacifier in the community only looking for media attention. These rioters and protestors are totally separate groups.
As an activist in NYC I know there have been much more radical factions who try to stir up trouble and get peaceful protestors killed or in confrontations with the police. Remember these days it's obvious Sharpton want's to be perceived in the tradition of Martin Luther King, Jr., and even has a media position now.
He would never risk that position he worked to get over the years by
advocating killing police officers. The last thing Sharpton wants is
rioting or shootings on either side.
He has a good job with the media now and has tax problems to address so he can't afford to lose his position advocating something as despicable as killing innocent police officers who had nothing to do with specific police portrayed in the media lately.
I've worked around Sharpton. He has evolved over the years. He is a media personality. That's his ambitions to have a cable show now.
Why would he jeopardize that? Yes, he positions himself in controversial matters to promote his visibility. But he is like a lot of people he has a job and family obligations like anyone else.
For him to advocate killing police he would lose his position and standing in political and social circles. There are more radical elements who are being unhinged with all that is going on.
And they don't take any orders from Sharpton, Jesse, or Obama. Let's face it they feel all 3 are sellouts.
Conservatives and marginally involved political people trust me you want Sharpton's ability to channel anger into peaceful protests. There are other element's who will handle the situation in a totally different way.
And they've been around for years. They want nothing short of armed or combative conflicts. Believe me Sharpton is a not a player in all of the rioting, looting, or killing going on. Sharpton is a media spokesperson who needs visibility to promote issues. He's no Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but then again no one can ever replace the civil rights icon.
Does Sharpton denigrate Dr. King's legacy? I'd say no he's on a different path but has value in his ability to bring attention to controversial issues.
Some say Sharpton is a media whore. I don't understand this reasoning and focus when nothing is said about how the major media pimps out Black issues for ad revenue and profits creating problematic racial conflicts. Sharpton would only be a reflection of a bigger issue which is the major media fanning the sensationalism of racial conflicts as part of their business as usual modus operandi.
He has a good job with the media now and has tax problems to address so he can't afford to lose his position advocating something as despicable as killing innocent police officers who had nothing to do with specific police portrayed in the media lately.
I've worked around Sharpton. He has evolved over the years. He is a media personality. That's his ambitions to have a cable show now.
Why would he jeopardize that? Yes, he positions himself in controversial matters to promote his visibility. But he is like a lot of people he has a job and family obligations like anyone else.
For him to advocate killing police he would lose his position and standing in political and social circles. There are more radical elements who are being unhinged with all that is going on.
And they don't take any orders from Sharpton, Jesse, or Obama. Let's face it they feel all 3 are sellouts.
Conservatives and marginally involved political people trust me you want Sharpton's ability to channel anger into peaceful protests. There are other element's who will handle the situation in a totally different way.
And they've been around for years. They want nothing short of armed or combative conflicts. Believe me Sharpton is a not a player in all of the rioting, looting, or killing going on. Sharpton is a media spokesperson who needs visibility to promote issues. He's no Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but then again no one can ever replace the civil rights icon.
Does Sharpton denigrate Dr. King's legacy? I'd say no he's on a different path but has value in his ability to bring attention to controversial issues.
Some say Sharpton is a media whore. I don't understand this reasoning and focus when nothing is said about how the major media pimps out Black issues for ad revenue and profits creating problematic racial conflicts. Sharpton would only be a reflection of a bigger issue which is the major media fanning the sensationalism of racial conflicts as part of their business as usual modus operandi.
About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps
is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and
Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more
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