But Jesus shouldn't be the villain for all the self serving political and religious institutions that have used Christian teachings to control and oppress people. If you read the Bible for yourself you'll see that Jesus took on the self righteous and social elites of his time. He healed people, fed people, and in short uplifted people. How can you hate someone like that?
I also hate the way elites and dogmatic people use the Bible to control
and condescend to people. I just can't stand it either how people use
the Bible to justify slavery, inequity, poverty, racism, ethnocentrism,
sexism, and similar isms.
If you strip away the dogma surrounding the Christian message it is a very simple one. God loves you and while the world may try to victimize you and hold you down with faith and love God's gonna raise you UP!
Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan
Kamau's Qu!ps reaches over 30,000 web users a month through it's Blog and Social Media Promotions. For Advertising Opportunities visit our Advertising Page
If you strip away the dogma surrounding the Christian message it is a very simple one. God loves you and while the world may try to victimize you and hold you down with faith and love God's gonna raise you UP!
About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps
Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan
Kamau's Qu!ps reaches over 30,000 web users a month through it's Blog and Social Media Promotions. For Advertising Opportunities visit our Advertising Page
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