While many liberals and Blacks feel gun control is a good thing I have my reservations about how it is to be implimented. We've had strong gun control of Blacks in inner cities for decades now with the result being Black populations being terrorized by criminal elements like gangs, drug cartels, and gun runners to name a few.
In places like NYC, NJ, and Chicago people have been doing this to Black people for decades already in formally by denying African Americans with stellar backgrounds gun permits.
In places like NYC, NJ, and Chicago people have been doing this to Black people for decades already in formally by denying African Americans with stellar backgrounds gun permits.

Personally I don't think the movement to make it almost impossible for citizens to get guns is the answer. All it has done is make law abiding Blacks target practice for drug cartels and gangs like in Chicago. Chicago has very tough gun laws (well for Blacks any way) and is a virtual killing fields for black women, young people, and the elderly being killed in gang related drive-by shootings.
Blacks in fact in Chicago are suing the authorities over conceal carry permits because even blacks with stellar background checks can't get guns. The police seem ineffective in stopping violence in inner cities and well to do Blacks or middle class Blacks just move out of areas adversely impacted by gun violence like Newark and the Southside of Chicago. This leaves these communities blighted, terrorized and defenseless.
Over the Thanksgiving weekend a record number of guns were purchased. Probably from people being fearful about terrorism both at home and abroad.
Paris has tough gun laws and a terrorist attack wiped out over a hundred people. The 1st law of life is to survive. And people have a right to defend themselves.
You can't always negotiate or run from terrorism or crime. I for one don't plan on becoming a chalk outline for the police to clean up off the street. If President Obama can clean up the violence in places like his home town like Chicago then maybe I'll take him seriously.
Until then we need access to our 2nd Amendment Rights which has been seriously eroded in the north already. Plus with police being heavily militarized and brutally abusive especially in communities of color I do not trust giving them sole access to powerful weapons and stripping the citizens of the right to gun ownership.
Some gun control advocates state that the lack of gun control is causing an every day occurance of mass killings. They point to the fact that the NRA approach isn't working. They make salient points about states with lax gun laws also have a high incidence of gun violence - all good points.
Here is the article. I think makes points both ways: Fact Check ON Gun Laws
In short, I can't tell us how we create a utopia or Nirvana on earth. However, I can say if we do better background checks for people looking to buy guns and perhaps mandate they get anger management, gun safety, and violence DE-escalation courses before being issued a gun it may cut down on interpersonal violence between people who know each other. Also it would help if corporations would hire more people in the US and not just outsource jobs.
If not people in the US should support small businesses more since small businesses creates 75% of new jobs. Jobs and economic opportunity will make gangs and drug cartels less of an option IMO. How we keep political terrorist from killing us is to really watch suspicious behavior online and cell phone communications. The government has to get much better at preempting terrorist attacks.
Some gun control advocates state that the lack of gun control is causing an every day occurance of mass killings. They point to the fact that the NRA approach isn't working. They make salient points about states with lax gun laws also have a high incidence of gun violence - all good points.
We could go back and fought on this but it seems the latest incident may have been related to Islamic Fundamentalism or they say the assailants were people who were radicalized. So if you feel comfortable disarming American Citizens while homegrown criminal and foreign terrorists is the way to go - I don't know what to say.
However, I know personally it has worked out better for me with dealing with a criminal element where I live if I know principals and strategies of self defense. The government which is looking to disarm people at the same time seems unable to protect people from the criminal element or terrorist element in our country. Terrorism is going to get worst in the US before it gets better.
And the threat isn't just from IS or Isis. Remember not long ago a Black Church was attacked domestically. Black churches have been burned recently and the FBI just thwarted a group of white supremacist who were looking to attack and kill more Black Church members with the goal setting off a race war.
I admit I don't have all the answers. But taking guns away from Blacks hasn't helped us in inner cities. Two of the most powerful Black men in the World President Obama and Min. Farrakhan both live in Chicago and the violence there is unrelenting along with poverty.
As far as what I think should be done I believe there should be background checks, mandatory classes on gun safety, violence de-escalation, anger management, etc. before getting access to guns. But with classes like that if a person doesn't have a criminal record don't make up stuff or have hidden criteria (which is happening in Chicago to deny Blacks gun permits) to marginalize Blacks and other minorities from their 2nd Amendment Rights.
The mentality of predators is they will take advantage of defenseless people. Terrorists will send more and more armed assailants to the US if they know most people can't defend themselves.
They know they can kill hundreds of people before the police or law enforcement can respond. It is only going to get worst if they know most civilians in the US are defenseless sitting ducks. Trust me we will increasingly become targets.
Here is a good article I've just read. Upon review it has some very objective points on the matter.
In short, I can't tell us how we create a utopia or Nirvana on earth. However, I can say if we do better background checks for people looking to buy guns and perhaps mandate they get anger management, gun safety, and violence DE-escalation courses before being issued a gun it may cut down on interpersonal violence between people who know each other. Also it would help if corporations would hire more people in the US and not just outsource jobs.
If not people in the US should support small businesses more since small businesses creates 75% of new jobs. Jobs and economic opportunity will make gangs and drug cartels less of an option IMO. How we keep political terrorist from killing us is to really watch suspicious behavior online and cell phone communications. The government has to get much better at preempting terrorist attacks.
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