Saturday, September 14, 2019

On Complaints That Black Men Aren't Successful Enough For Black women

A complaint I hear often in the media purportedly from Black women is that there aren't enough successful Black men for them to have mates.  The following article alludes to this being an American problem especially in the Black community.

However I'd like both sides in the Black community of the gender debate to look deeper at this issue.  Could we be contributing to our own economic demise due to unwitting consumerism?

In the US they are predicting that the median income for Black families will be zero. Most of Blacks income is spent as consumers.

Who do we pay our mortgages too, student loans, phone, cable, utilities, food, computers, etc? How many of these firms are owned by us?

When Black people spend 98% of their money with others outside their community and only 2% of their income with each other why would we expect to be viable and able to sustain families? We have an economic dependency problem that impacts both genders.

For instance statistically Black women still don't make as much as Black male workers. Also although Black women entrepreneurs are over 50% of the business owners in our community 2/3rds of the business income is generated by Black men. Brothas and sistahs need to come together and figure out how we can use our combined incomes to get more economic leverage.

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