Friday, January 1, 2016

Harriet Tubman Embodies Faith

As we wrap up the Kwanzaa season with the concept of Imani or faith nobody embodies it more than Harriet Tubman AKA "Black Moses." A women of barely 5 feet tall defied the most brutal form of slavery in existence probably in the history of the world.

What gave this disabled woman of small stature the courage over and over again to go into the south and free slaves? She was a Spiritual woman who believed in God. This should teach us a Spiritual person can challenge a ruthless system. Religion doesn't have to placate or make people capitulate to power it can help them fight injustice.

I believe our ancestor Harriet Tubman was a special instrument of God. She was one of the most courageous people in history.

She was hit in the head, with a metal object, thrown by a slave master when she was young. She possibly suffered brain damage and resulting inadvertent sleeping spells.

But she was able to become a great liberator during a very dangerous time for Black people. She was of diminutive size but is one of my greatest heroes.

With faith like a hero like Harriet Tubman - we can go far! Without faith we will pass away being only a shadow of what we can become with the help of God.

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