Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Why is there Wealth Inequality in the Black Community?

Recently there was yet another abysmal article about the terrible conditions Blacks still find themselves in this country.  You can read the article here.

There are a lot of positive things happening in the Black community too. We have to watch these academics who paint a horrible picture of us with skewed stats.

Here is an article I wrote with stats on Black accomplishments from reputable sources:

There is a lot of stagnation now in upward mobility noted by these authors because many decent paying jobs Blacks used to rely on have been outsourced to cheaper labor markets in other nations. Also the Black family income even for people with degrees averages $20,000 less a year, a 1.3 million short fall in a life time, and in aggregate at least 10 Trillion dollars collectively within a few decades at 6% compound interest due to racist financial inequities.

But what is most glaring is these stat quote professionals never or ever give solutions. Blacks only spend 7% of our income with each other. If we spent more like 25% we could hire every unemployed Black person in America. Now 1.9 million Black businesses hire over 1 million people. If we would increase out spending to like 25% we could hire millions more and help increase our real estate holdings with more business development in our communities.

Of course these stat quote experts would never offer supporting Black business as an option. It just isn't in their interest. What's in their interest is to demoralize us from being more proactive by filling us with despair.

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