Moderate politics is pulling the US into a black hole abyss of economic decline. Both parties are becoming obsolete with very little difference between them. If Hillary wins so be it.
I don't wanna hear any complaining about her marginal politics and flip flopping. We'll deserve what we get.
And I'm going for me and mines. And I've made up my mind too. My name is Kamau Austin and I approve this message.
President Obama and Hillary said very little about the killing of Blacks by police. They've done very little to stop Black gangs too like in Chicago Obama's home town.
Lose me - I want off of the moderate 2 party hamster wheel plantation where corporations own both parties playing us like suckas. But you go ahead and keep spinning on the wheel with the dems telling you that you gotta vote for them because the GOP boggie man is gonna get you. Both parties are selling us out. I don't give a crap about any party that doesn't give a crap about me or mine.
Blacks and working class people are losing economic footing with both parties. It's time to move one into being a truly progressive party or start one. I'm tired of the played out theatrics between the two parties. They both are failing people in this country and selling us out.
Obama got a lot of younger, progressive, and people of color to vote for him under the slogan "Change you can believe in."
But we didn't get change. We got moderate politics from Obama and the top 1 percent got richer. That wasn't what people voted for.
Obamacare is better than no care at all. He helped Americans rebound from financial collapse. I give him that but America is still losing jobs to cheap labor markets overseas and young and Black people are having to take 2 or 3 jobs to make a living income. It ain't right. The dems are selling us out to corporate America with a little more compassion than the GOP but they are selling us out.
In my mind Obama got us in the door but it will be someone like Sanders that helps to clean house with our sold out democracy. I'm sorry Hillary is like a Obama with even less resolve.