Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Short List of Reasons Why I'd Vote for Hillary Over Trump

I see some Black people proclaiming they will vote for Donald Trump.  I hope they seriously rethink their positions.

Trump has a history of discriminating against Black people in housing. He also railroaded the Central Park 5 and never apologized after they were exonerated.

Hillary Clinton on the other hand is for ACA which provides health care for 20 million poor people at least 6 million people of color and 3 million Blacks. You need health care to survive.

The last I check it is essential for humans to have cleaner air and a stable climate to survive in.

So why would informed intelligent blacks vote for a party that believes pollution clean up should be left to businesses to handle when they feel compelled to and don't believe in climate change AKA global warming?

Also Trump is listening to Rudy Giuliani and wants to institute draconian "Stop and Frisk" tactics in inner cities. You ever lived under "Stop and Frisk?"

It is a little like living in Apartheid ruled South Africa, when they had pass laws. In NYC 900,000 people mostly blacks and Latinos were stopped and frisked with a only a small percentage of them doing anything wrong.  Stop and Frisk was deemed unconstitutional in a NYC legal action brought against the practice.

4. Trump if elected will have a chance to appoint 2 to 4 Supreme Court Justices.  Blacks will need more liberal Supreme Court Justices appointed to make sure the Voters Rights Amendment is restored by the Supreme Court.

Other things...

1. He has no experience as an elected leader or civil servant;

2. He is a sexual and verbal abuser to women;

3. He hasn't paid taxes to the fed government in years so why should he now lead it?

Lastly, why would Black people in this day and age want to put someone in office who refers to us as "the Blacks?"

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