Often in these last few days leading up to the election I see people lamenting that they are disillusioned and tired of voting in US electoral politics because the two party system is flawed or corrupt. They feel the two party system isn't benefitting Blacks and people of color any way. And they also feel little for the common person changes.
I can certainly relate to these feelings. It is easy to become demoralized. But did you ever stop to think that if voting is meaningless in our society why are people fighting so hard to disenfranchise us from our right to vote? Why is the GOP working so hard to demoralize us from voting?
It is pretty obvious to me the GOP, conservatives, the Tea Party, and many alt right persons want us demoralized and not voting. Isn't it obvious to you that not voting is part of the plan to help keep the status quo in place? Think about it why did the GOP stonewall Obama for 8 years to marginalize his programs in an attempt to demoralize us?
Consequently, many of us didn't vote enough in the mid-term elections and the GOP took over Congress. Now we got a lot of people saying they don't wanna vote.
Well that's the plan the GOP thought out 8 years ago and we're failing for too much of their strategy. The GOP, because of their decreasing numbers due to demographic shifts in the country towards younger people and people of color, can only win: by demoralizing these burgeoning social groups.
For people who think your vote won't count based on past political inertia and "politics as usual' pleaee consider that tomorrow is a new day and things are changing. Things will change if we are vigilant and plan strategically because the country, in couple of decades, will be one where people of color and younger progressive people will be the new clear majority.
This scares the crap out of some traditional conservatives who want to "make America great again" like Donald Trump's tagline or slogan thingy. In their policies people in the Tea Party driven GOP would like to see things they way they were 25+ years ago.
The problem is 25+ years ago the US wasn't such a great place for Blacks and people of color. This anxiousness about the new rising demographics and their political and economic leverage in US society is causing xenophobia, sexism, sexual preference, and class issues to become highly volatile in this campaign.
However, increasingly with our growing demographic numbers, we can and will vote in candidates with our interest especially in local areas and recycle our tax money back in our neighborhoods to help bring about economic development. I've seen this happen in areas like Southeast Queens and East Flatbush Brooklyn.
They voted in progressive candidates who used tax dollars to fund community economic and education programs. This is a start. It will take time and a lot of work however some communities have started the process.
People of color will have increasing power as the demographics shift. This was not the situation 50 years ago. Times are changing.
This is making the Tea Party and GOP very uncomfortable. When they say "Make America Great Again" they obviously like things the way it was 25+ years ago when we had very little economic power and political clout.
So when you think politics doesn't make a difference to Blacks, people of color, or common people in the present remember we are becoming the new majority and that bodes well increasingly with us having more political, economic, and social power. We're Stronger Together as Hillary Clinton's slogan States. Now lets be the change and work together to get the change we want to see.
Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Austin is a popular Blogger with over 11,000 connections in social media. Austin is an author, writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online.
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