Monday, May 31, 2021

Part Of Me Would Love To Move To Afrika Or The Caribbean.

Am I the only one who would move to a nice part of Africa or the Caribbean if possible? If my daughter wasn't here I'd be out peeps.

We got Jim Crow 2.0 going on in Texas, Florida, and about 250 other areas of the US where the GOP is making voting more difficult because they got their arses kicked in the last election even with record turnouts for them.

White wealth is 10 times Black wealth in the US. Black college grads make less than white high school grads.

Blacks get on average get $48,000 dollars less for their comparable real estate to whites collectively losing $153 billion in wealth just based on our skin color. They are projecting by like 2043 the median Black household will have zero(0) wealth if things don't change.

Blacks get less than 2% of government contracts and high finance for our businesses. Police kill us at will and heavily police our neighborhoods to drive revenues into local governments with auto related penalty fees.

Usually the only way to really become wealthy is work for a white owned business or companies for decades, invest in largely white businesses in the stock market (which wipe our our businesses because they corner markets and are better financed), or buy real estate and go to college which takes you decades to dig yourself out of debt -- to banks and colleges.

And sadly Africa is in bad shape because France, the US, and European powers prop up despotic leaders to rape Africa of its natural resources. I heard 70% of the worlds natural resources creating wealth like oil, gold, diamonds, and metals going into making smart phones and computers come from Africa while all too often African people live in squalor although about 1/3 of Africa is now middle class. SMH

Am I am product of reading too much critical race theory? Nope, I haven't read much on it. I just hate systemic white racism and privilege. And it is pretty obvious we are steeped in it here.

I respect Black service and military people. But how the hell you love and put your life on the line for this country I'll never know. But happy Memorial Day. You deserve it. Sigh

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