Thursday, March 27, 2014

Write a New Chapter in the 4th Quarter of Your Life

Cassandra Mack on Writing a New Chapter in Your Life
Today to celebrate Women's Heritage Month I wanted to Share the Insights of one of my favorite women to follow online - Cassandra Mack. I call her C'Mack and she is an "Inspirational Sister of Social Media" par excellence.

To those of us who follow her in social media we are both enlightened and entertained with her humor and insightful wit. I enjoy reading her savvy and sassy writings every day on Facebook and LinkedIn.  I've always felt she is a rare talent. Cassandra has a number of books available and is a prolific author.

Below is a very inspirational video for people who feel like life has just not worked out the way we planned. How many of us honestly feel this way?

Do you feel that you would have liked to be further along in life? Cassandra "goes in" on this subject in her unique and dynamic way.  You may feel you are in your 4th and last quarter in life but C'Mack reminds us "where there is life there is possibility."

According to Cassandra If you have your health you can make those 4th quarter changes. This video is about making those timely and urgent 4th Quarter Changes. Check it out...

My Interview with Cassandra Mack below...

Kamau: Cassandra How can women and people in general reach success through their divine purpose and personal goals?

Cassandra Mack: Here's how I see it: I believe that women can become successful through their divine purpose and personal goals by first having a vision for their lives and doing something each day, no matter how small that moves them in the direction of their purpose and vision.

I think it's also important to connect with positive people who are supportive of your dreams and vision.

Kamau: Cassandra can you tell us how you deal with social challenges and adversity like sexism, racism, lack of capital or getting good mentors?

Cassandra Mack: Speaking for myself, I can't say that I have overcome sexism or racism because these issues are still very present, but I look at these things in terms of reflecting on what women who have come before me have done to keep rising and reaching their goals no matter the obstacles.

So even when I am faced with obstacles, for me it's about moving around or above the obstacles by looking for other avenues. So if one door closes then another one will open, I just have to persist until another door opens.
Cassandra also writes
Powerful Books for Men

As far as capital, I think that
in this day and age you often have to raise your own, whether it's through a product or another service that you add to your business. C'Mack's advice to women is "don't let the fact that you are a woman stop you from fully pursuing your dreams."

And last but not least, believe in yourself, don't give up and network. To learn more about Cassandra's Strategies visit Cassandra Mack's website or to order her books Click Here for Strategies for Empowered Living

About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

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