On Rainy Days
Don't cancel events because of the rain if you can help it. When it rains it's about to pour blessings from heaven and life.
Not Being a Victim
Refuse to lay down and die. Stand against abuse and oppression. When you allow yourself to be victimized you'll embolden oppressors to victimize others as well. We refuse to be victims and together we'll prevail.
Sometimes You Just have to Praise God
While I love to meditate and worship God in silence and deep appreciation sometimes the only way to praise God is with a lot of loud praise and admiration though music.
Make Your Health Your Greatest Investment
Your health and fitness is really your greatest investment. But so many people in the US ignore their health. All the money in the world won't help you with bad health. Don't have bad credit either when it comes to your health.
On Friendship
Digital virtual friends are nice but get real and spend more time with real friends. Real friends are in short supply and are few and far between. Kamau's Qu!ps V5
On November 17, 2014 National Unfriend Day
Well if you're gonna unfriend me be my guest. Good bye and good freaking riddance.
I need to spend more time with real friends any way. They're in short supply and many at my age are either sick or dying.
One of my best friends and business associates is on life support and
in a very imminent condition to make his transition. He was one of the
most positive bruthas and would do almost anything for me. I wish I had
more time to spend with him.
So If people unfriend you this week don't take it as a loss. Take it as a gain of your time and energy.
In fact spend more time with the people you love and love you! Life is too short for the superficial pretense.
Kamau's Qu!ps by Kamau Austin on "National Unfriend Day" lose digital friends and gain back what is important in life.
So If people unfriend you this week don't take it as a loss. Take it as a gain of your time and energy.
In fact spend more time with the people you love and love you! Life is too short for the superficial pretense.
Kamau's Qu!ps by Kamau Austin on "National Unfriend Day" lose digital friends and gain back what is important in life.
Who Should Blacks Support Politically
I think Blacks need to spearhead a 3rd truly progressive party. The Dems are spineless and the GOP is political suicide.
I think both parties are inimical institutions and retrograde towards Black or Middle class peoples interests. I think both parties should be unseated. They both suck.
I think we should start a long arduous process to establish a 3rd progressive political party that would eventually push campaign reform and get the money/lobbyists/special interests out of politics. Both parties are getting us no where fast.
If the GOP takes all branches of government because progressive people are demoralized and stay home in the next election too the GOP will destroy the country worst than they did with the great recession.
Why do Black Men Increasingly Date Women of Other Ethnic Groups?

Just because people see rich or even "afrocentric or concious" Black men with women from other ethnic groups it doesn't mean it's because of social conditioning. Some men may actually fall in love with a woman from another ethnic groups. It may just be an issue of demographics rather than psycho-graphics. I'll give an explanation of what I mean.
Many women consider men approaching them on the street these days "street harassment."
So I use online dating sites at times. Ironically, although my preference would be a sista like Lauren Hill, India Arie, or Lupita Nyongo'o I get just as many white, Hispanic, and Caribbean women interested in dating me. Women who look like the women I mentioned above are a very small group of women in the Black community - very slim pickens.
I don't think it's because of me personally. I think the numbers in
dating these days just favors women from larger ethnic groups.
Blacks in the US just aren't having enough children to sustain their significant numbers. If it wasn't for people in the Caribbean and Africa immigrating here there would be an even smaller Black population.
BTW the white population in the US is shrinking too for instance in a month in 2013, I forgot which one, more whites died in the US than were born for the 1st time in US history. I don't think there is a large percentage or ratio of white or Latina women looking to date Black men necessarily. But a small percentage of a larger demographic can skew dating numbers.
I know numerically speaking although I have a preference, given the numbers, if I'm open to dating a person based on their intrinsic qualities, I probably statistically speaking these days will end up with a Latina or Caribbean woman. Then I can just see people saying "that Kamau fronts the cultural conscious sistas but is dating a Latina or multiethnic Caribbean chick." But honestly there are just a lot more of these ladies to date and who show an interest in me and this probably happens to other black guys too.
Blacks in the US just aren't having enough children to sustain their significant numbers. If it wasn't for people in the Caribbean and Africa immigrating here there would be an even smaller Black population.
BTW the white population in the US is shrinking too for instance in a month in 2013, I forgot which one, more whites died in the US than were born for the 1st time in US history. I don't think there is a large percentage or ratio of white or Latina women looking to date Black men necessarily. But a small percentage of a larger demographic can skew dating numbers.
I know numerically speaking although I have a preference, given the numbers, if I'm open to dating a person based on their intrinsic qualities, I probably statistically speaking these days will end up with a Latina or Caribbean woman. Then I can just see people saying "that Kamau fronts the cultural conscious sistas but is dating a Latina or multiethnic Caribbean chick." But honestly there are just a lot more of these ladies to date and who show an interest in me and this probably happens to other black guys too.
Solange Knowles and the Older Man Controversy
There is a bit of controversy about Solange Knowles and her considerably older husband. I've read some women say "they couldn't go out with a man old enough to be their father."
However, I look at the older man younger woman from a different contrarian perspective. In my experience this is a complex issue. I wish Solange the best on finding love with an older man.
Her husband is in excellent shape. I see guys in their 30s who are out of shape, couldn't punch threw a paper bag, and so anemic from drug and alcohol usage it's pathetic.
And ironically these same young dudes think they're some kinda of hard core gangsta. In fact I also find younger women the ones who are more actively looking and open to relationships.
As women age they seem to become more cynical or judicious about being in relationships so what happens is guys in their late 40s and 50s end up sometimes with women in their 30s almost by default. I get women in their mid 30s who are more interested in being in relationships with me than women in my own age group.
Go figure? I've given up on understanding women. You ladies are a mystery to me I guess just like guys might seem clueless to you.
Also in a recent article from Slate.com it makes the point some high powered executive women are marrying older guys who are even retired who can take care of the kids. They suggest marrying older men to advance their careers especially if he is in a post career stage of his life.
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However, I look at the older man younger woman from a different contrarian perspective. In my experience this is a complex issue. I wish Solange the best on finding love with an older man.
Her husband is in excellent shape. I see guys in their 30s who are out of shape, couldn't punch threw a paper bag, and so anemic from drug and alcohol usage it's pathetic.
And ironically these same young dudes think they're some kinda of hard core gangsta. In fact I also find younger women the ones who are more actively looking and open to relationships.
As women age they seem to become more cynical or judicious about being in relationships so what happens is guys in their late 40s and 50s end up sometimes with women in their 30s almost by default. I get women in their mid 30s who are more interested in being in relationships with me than women in my own age group.
Go figure? I've given up on understanding women. You ladies are a mystery to me I guess just like guys might seem clueless to you.
Also in a recent article from Slate.com it makes the point some high powered executive women are marrying older guys who are even retired who can take care of the kids. They suggest marrying older men to advance their careers especially if he is in a post career stage of his life.
About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps
Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan
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