Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Donald Sterling, Racism in Business, and The Urgency to Support Black Economics

OK many Blacks and minorities are understandably mad at Donald Sterling's Racist Rant Revelations. I guess now we'll have a protest and boycott. Hear the whole Donald Sterling Audio

C'mon Micheal Jordan, Koby Bryant, LeBron James have helped the NBA gr
ow like never before. Magic Johnson helped build the NBA and is now worth half a billion dollars from business investments.

And Donald Sterling is making comments about not bringing him to the game. Black players helped build the NBA to it's current success. Black people buy a lot of tickets and this guy spews his venom like that?

But I have to tell you how I truly feel about our usual responses to racial insults and injustice with protest and boycotts. Protest, boycotts are all about reactions and negative response. And they have their place.

But what about our proactive long term response? Let's invest in some microfinance organizations, youth entrepreneurial programs, and Black crowd funding sites and fund our own businesses to national scale.

Other ethnic groups have done it. And we can do it too. Enough is Enough!

Business Man Magic Johnson Inspires Young People
Today and was a Super Star that Helped Take the NBA
to Another Level

In fact if people are going to protest and boycott we should demand or stipulate that Donald Sterling and the NBA set aside millions for a microfinance platform to fund Black and Minority businesses or invest in a crowd funding platform for black business development.
It wouldn't make all our emotional pain go away but it would be a start in the right direction. Let's get some money to start businesses especially in NBA venues. How about that?

I'm not saying we can solve all our problems with Black business development but at least we can cut down on supporting businesses what have total disdain for us.

But if you really want to make a change in the dynamics of some wealthy business owners and their contempt towards their own players and patrons of color - let's make a long term goal of building and supporting our own Black business more. But 1st...

Peeps stop going around thinking we don't have super successful Black businesses. And Oprah and Tyler Perry aren't our Biggest Black businesses. Stop it already!

We got people running businesses doing 5 Billion dollars a year in technology and almost 2 billion in human resources. We have businesses now that dwarf our biggest businesses of 30 years ago like Ebony, Jet, and Black Enterprise.

But many Black People don't even know it. They go around saying there aren't any successful black businesses. Did you know there are over 144,000 black businesses with revenues over 1 million dollars a year? Did you know there are over 850,000 Black business? (Source US census).

David Steward, runs the 5 Billion Dollar
Earning Company Worldwide Technologies
This crap pisses me off. Read more about black business now before you spew negative opinions. Worldwide Technologies run by David Steward, does over 5 billion dollars a year in tech according to Black Enterprise.  That's not far from Facebook type income at 7.8 Billion in 2013 (according to Wikipedia) without doing an IPO selling stock or going to the capital markets.

It's privately owned and built to 5 billion dollars! Do people know just how incredible that is?

And all I do is see this B.S. on Facebook and social media 24/7 about no real successful black businesses. The top Black businesses are not in entertainment or media anymore they are in tech, food services, corporate services, and manufacturing.

If we financed and supported Black businesses more they could hire and inspire more of us. Way over a million people are self employed or employed by black business. It could be a lot more..

Janice Bryant Howroyd runs the 2nd
Largest Black Business Act-1
Ms. Janice Bryant Howroyd, owns the 2nd largest Black Owned Business at almost 2 billion dollars in 2013 (1.9 billion according to Black Enterprise). According to her website she "is the Founder and CEO of the ACT•1 Group, a global leader in deploying talent and resource management solutions.

International in scope and resources, her company creates and implements innovative technologies and business services that allow firms to optimize their workforce and bottom line through optimal resource management." You can see the rest of the Black Enterprise 100 by clicking here  

Don't just Get Mad - Get Even MORE Black Businesses started and Supported. OK that's the end of my Black Business Revolution Rant!

I'm also going to post ways we can support black businesses and nonprofits which teach young people to become black businesses owners and professionals. Here's some Black businesses we can support to help us achieve black economic empowerment.

Black Business Network Websites

Black Enterprise

Purchase Black.com

Black Youth Business Training Organizations

Future Executives

World of Money

Black Finance Organizations to Raise Funding for Black Businesses

Project Enterprise

Black eCommerce Sites


About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

Kamau's Qu!ps reaches over 30,000 web users a month through it's Blog and Social Media Promotions. For Advertising Opportunities visit Search Engine Plan.com