Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why Knowing Your Target Market is a BIG Plus+

One of my favorite Inspirational "Sisters of Social Media" is the dynamic and unrelenting Diane Williams, the owner of Curvy Goddess. Diane is a true entrepreneur who has had great success as a personal trainer and webpreneur helping to bring the health and fitness tips to the plus size women's market.

Diane is also a former top full figured model for a major modeling agency. These days she's marketing a line of fitness focused lifestyle products for the curvy or full figured woman. I asked Diane about how she became so successful in the full figured market.

Diane Williams: From building my business I have turned to mostly men entrepreneurs as role models and looked to them for advice in business. I am such a feeling-based entrepreneur that having a male objective perspective helped me but I quickly understood how women entrepreneurs have such a valuable asset just from being a woman.

I know it may sound stereotypical and a vast sweeping generalization that I am implying that women are emotional-based, but most are. Some aren't because I believe that they have perceived it as a liability in their careers and in their lives.

Early on in my career as a personal trainer I have been so moved with what I do and even other experiences in the work place that I would cry sometimes. I have been told from fellow colleagues that it is a sign of weakness. But I never really believed it. It's a sign of weakness maybe if your ideal customer is a CIA operative.

My market is plus size women and now showing transparency is a sign of strength in your business. I have wondered why that is. Could it be that more women are owning their own business and that many women are clients and customers, readily open, searching for solutions, and asking for help?

Knowing who you are and translating it to your business is one of the smartest things you can do. Your essence is your unique signature that none can duplicate. Checkout Diane's videos below or to visit the Curvy Goddess Site Click Here

Click Here to Get the Curvy Goddess Workout Videos

Finding the Beauty Within Video by Diane Williams Below...

Exercise for Weight Training

 About the Publisher of Kamau's Quip

Kamau's Qu!ps is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan

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