Bernice has survived very painful tragedies in life. Therefore I wanted to ask her how she suggests overcoming the tempestuous storms of life.
Bernice Dickey is the author of “My #1 is Still My #1.” This book of journal entries, letters to God, and memories chronicles the difficult journey she traveled to overcome the deaths of her parents and her husband and eldest daughter in two separate car accidents. She is an Author, Inspiring Keynote Speaker, and Believer in Triumph Over Tragedy.

Bernice’s mission is to share her own story as a means to coach others through their own painful process of grief recovery. Based on the journey Bernice has traveled, she wants everyone to believe that a bright future is possible.
As a result of hearing Bernice’s story, audience members learn how to:
~ Get unstuck in the grieving process
~ Rise up and be resilient, knowing that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger
~ Look forward to the rest of their lives with gratitude and belief that the best is still yet to come
She has invested 27 years as an Educator serving as a bilingual teacher, instructional specialist, an elementary school administrator and Adjunct Professor at Houston Community College. She is the Principal Consultant at BRIGHT Educational Resources, LLC. She also speaks, reads and writes fluently in Spanish.
Bernice Dickey holds both a B. A. in Spanish and a B.S. in Psychology from Tulane University in New Orleans. She also has a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration from Houston Baptist University.
Her TOPICS of Discussion are:
1. How to Bounce Back From A Setback,
2. Raising Resilient Children
3. How Personal Crisis Affect Workers’ Productivity and...
4. Why You Need to Make Sure Your House is in Financial Order.
I asked Bernice for a couple of her pointers on Overcoming Tragedies and other challenging storms in life.
Kamau: Bernice you've overcome considerable personal tradegy in life. How do you deal with personal pain and tradegy?
Bernice: Here is my take on Overcoming Tragedy or the Storms of Life - Prepare for them!
1) Don't wait until you're in the storm to get ready for it! You have got to have a relationship with God WAY BEFORE THE STORM COMES! You can't wait until you're in the midst of it to develop the disciplines needed to be able to come through this type (double tragedy) of a storm! Remember Noah built the Ark long before the flood came, he worked on it for years to prepare for safe passage in and through the flood for him and his family. Preparation made the difference in their coming out of the flood ALIVE, not just going through it like the others who drowned in it!
2) If you as a friend or family member want to relate to what the bereaved are going through and want to know what you can say to them, you have to have empathy for them! Let me help you out with this, try to imagine for a moment the loss of your closest relationship to a person in your life. That's how they are feeling about their loss and loved one (if they really truly loved them) now think about what you would like to hear and say THAT to them!
Checkout the Book Trailer Below for
Bernice Dickey's Book "My #1 is Still My #1"
Bernice Dickey's Book "My #1 is Still My #1"
How to Contact Bernice Dickey
BOOKINGs: call 713-894-0233 for bookings
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