On Taking Control
Nothing like becoming authority yourself when you feel present authority isn't serving your interests.
Protect Yourself
Learn to be your your own 1st line of defense. If I had to wait for police in some situations I'd be dead already.
Present Responsibilities
Sometimes we have to face today's challenges with urgency because future generations will depend on it.
Postive Labeling and Surnames in the Black Community
Should black people refer to each other as kings or queens? Should we use positive descriptions of each other especially when some people just act nasty or unruly.
Well we're speaking metaphorically and of course it's wishful thinking. I'd much rather try something positive than calling each other N'words and B'words 24/7.
I usually go with bro and sista although we aren't blood relatives. I think it is good Karma to use positive terminology and vibes when referring to people. I hope with the positive labeling to make a person feel just a little better about themselves and help make the atmosphere in the world a little less hostile one person at a time.
I'm ironically saving a hell of a lot of money buying healthy foods. Most people complain that healthier foods are pricier.
However, I find when I buy good foods and cook from scratch it saves me a lot of money over processed or frozen foods. If you buy generic brand names in Whole Foods and Trader Joe the prices are cheaper than neighborhood bodegas or grocery stores. Then of course there are the invaluable health benefits to consider as well.
Women and Misogyny in Religion
think part of the problem is with patriarchy and misogyny in popular culture is women internalize belittling thoughts
about themselves from uncritical obedience to patriarchal religions.
They past down these morays to young boys and girls.Men certainly pass them down and reinforce them. More women need a theology degree and to rise to affluence in our major religions and rewrite the script.
We do also have a gangsta street culture in the hood that elevates bullying weaker people without access to guns, women, and the elderly increasingly growing. They are perpetuating this attitude via music and pop culture. Women aren't respected at all and many boys are getting their skewed outlook on women from that perspective.
They walked a sacrificial path which paved the way for the millionaires and political leaders of today.
Law and Order without Justice is unrighteous. "But let justice roll down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream." Kamau's Qu!ps reflection on Amos 5:24.
Since primarily women, young people, Latinos, and Blacks supported Obama I wonder how much money did Black people give? Because Obama raised more money in his Presidential campaign than any Presidential candidate in history.
A lot had to come from Black people. He raised a whopping 750 million dollars and that wasn't from large 3rd parties. He raised only 50 million from them: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Vote2008/story?id=6397572
Beyond Good Cop Bad Cop - Institutionalized Police Brutality
Many people say don't lump all cops together most police are good cops. It isn't a matter of lumping all police together. That's not the issue at all.
The issue is if 95% of police are good professionals (which it may be) but they stand by the 5% who are brutal (or even 1% who are brutal) with their union, then police brutality becomes institutionalized because the police union, Commissioner, DAs and justice system protects them by any means possible.
This has nothing to do with individual police officers. This has to do with the police department as an institution supporting police brutality and misconduct.
Look at the total disrespect the police are giving the mayor now who is supposed to be their boss as an elected official. Their union leader is attacking the mayor and even the President.
The Police union is totally out of control and is going to start a real debacle with community relations. The Mayor's comments and President Obama's have been moderate. But they are being blamed for murder and demagoguery?
It's really scary that the police union is using this tragedy to mount an irresponsible attack on the Mayor and President even. If they have that type of contempt for the Mayor and President what kind of respect do you think they have for you or me? Marinade on that a while.
How does this demagogue get to run a police union? SMH, is he a reflection of the rank and file?
There needs to be some positive attempt to enhance police and community relations. Unfortunately I don't think we have the leadership or empathy to make it happen. There's a debacle of epic proportions going on in the US between authority and forces of change.
Post Racial America
Post Racial America may crystallize but it will be forged in a Battle of epic proportions. Ultimately, will heat overcome light? To be enraged or enlightened - that is the question.
Distortions in Racial Profiling

Police and law and order types justify aggressive policing like "Stop and Frisk" with the mantra that Blacks commit a lot of crimes so they are criminally profiled.
This excuse for profiling is disingenuous. It kills me with the whole profiling thing. Blacks get profiled for only 3% of our population. There are 905,000 Blacks incarcerated mostly for nonviolent crimes out or 44 million Blacks.
Actually more Blacks have Master degrees than we are in prison 1.3 million to 905,000. But there are 1.1 million Black families with a net worth of over 1 million dollars. There are 4.5 million Blacks with college degrees.
There are 1.3 million Black men with college degrees, there are 10 million Black home owners, There are 1.9 million Black business owners, there are 18 million blacks working out of and adult population of 21 million. 82.5% of Blacks have a high school diploma.
So the proper profiling of a Black person is to realize that you are:
~ 4 1/2 times more likely to meet a black with a college degree than a criminal.
~ 18 times more likely to meet a Black person who is a working person,
~ Twice as likely to meet a black person who is an entrepreneur than a felon.
~ A cop is 10 times more prone to meet a Black homeowner than someone in prison/jail or a criminal.
Hell a cop is more likely to run into a Black millionaire than a criminal. If you're going to profile Blacks get a truer picture of the demographics before sprouting the Fox News talking points.
About the Publisher of Kamau's Qu!ps

Kamau's Qu!ps
is Published by Kamau Austin. Kamau is a popular Blogger, Writer, and
Internet Marketing Professional helping small businesses grow more
profitable businesses online. If you need web design, blogging, search engine or social media promotion contact him at Search Engine Plan
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