But many of our young people are angry, hurt, and outraged that despite all our progress economically and politically in this country their lives "don't matter" squat to the legal system except to provide cheap and slave labor.
I didn't see all this brutha did and I hope he didn't hurt someone. But they're setting him up for life in prison.
Dayyuuum! We got an African American President and Mayor of Baltimore but Black lives don't mean squat apparently if you pay attention to the headlines.
Oh the irony. He smashes things goes to jail perhaps for decades or life. But law enforcement shots people in the back, into crowds without looking, brutalize people and no repercussions. Riots aren't the answer but I understand the frustration.
Yesterday a young man on a city bus was going to get into an altercation with a bus driver. It could have been a real Worldstar Hip Hop kinda ugly moment.
Thank God people didn't just pullout cell phones to video the confrontation. Actually, women blocked him from hitting the driver. They told him to calm down. He had his boo and baby with him.
I put my hand on the young man's shoulder. And asked him why he was so irate. He explained to me why and I understood his rage with the bus driver.
Then I explained if he attacks the bus driver the police will arrest him and he'll be another brotha in jail while his queen and baby have to try to make it without him.
I said "we don't need another father and brutha in prison or jail, we need father's taking care of their children. I told him strong men look at the bigger picture." The whole time I had my hand on his shoulder talking calmly to cool him down.
My point is some of us older brothas may have to get out here beyond our comfort zones and talk about love, family, community, and the bigger picture with empathy. IJS
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